Products>Walking Into Walls: 5 Blind Spots that Block God's Work in You

Walking Into Walls: 5 Blind Spots that Block God's Work in You

ISBN: 9781617950131


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All of us crash into self-constructed walls and bloody our noses from time to time. These walls block growth, healthy relationships and overall contentment and happiness. Most of us are blind to our own self-defeating behaviors and attitudes, so we repeatedly walk into the same walls again and again. Best-selling author Stephen Arterburn leads us through the process of deconstructing the issues that built those walls as well as find the permanent healing that frees us to live the joyful life we were meant to live.

Product Details

  • Title : Walking Into Walls: 5 Blind Spots that Block God's Work in You
  • Author: Arterburn, Stephen
  • Publisher: Worthy Books
  • Publication Date: 2011
  • ISBN: 9781617950131


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