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Enough: Silencing the Lies That Steal Your Confidence


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What Can You Do When You Feel You're Just Not Good Enough?

Do the voices in your head say you're not good enough, smart enough, pretty enough...or just not enough, period? It's time to stop listening to lies that sabotage your confidence and embrace the truth of who God says you are.

Popular author and speaker Sharon Jaynes exposes the lies that keep you bogged down in shame, insecurity, and feelings of inadequacy. By recognizing the lies and replacing them with truth, you'll be able to

  • silence the voice inside that whispers you're just not good enough
  • accept God's grace and move past failures that have defined and confined you
  • preload your heart with truth to fight your deepest insecurities

Your confidence and faith will grow when you trade self-defeating thoughts for God's truth. Today is the day to embrace your incredible worth as a woman who is uniquely fashioned and spiritually empowered.

Top Highlights

“When we become a new creation in Christ, no one pushes the delete button to remove the old ways of thinking; rather, we must participate with God to reprogram the computer, the mind. Paul teaches, ‘Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind’ (Romans 12:2).” (source)

“He doesn’t call the qualified; He qualifies the called.” (source)

“Satan cannot dwell in a true believer because a true believer is sealed by and inhabited by the Holy Spirit. However, he can taunt, tempt, and trouble a believer by putting ideas and thoughts into the mind. He masks his thoughts as our own thoughts to get us to act in disobedience to God’s will. However, the devil cannot make us do anything. He can only make the suggestion. And God always provides a way of escape (1 Corinthians 10:13).” (source)

“We defeat the devil every time we choose to listen to God’s truth rather than the enemy’s lies. We defeat the world every time we believe the Bible words rather than culture’s ever-changing belief system. We defeat the flesh every time we act in a way that lines up with our new, born-again identity rather than our old, self-centered programming.” (source)

“Jesus won the battle in the wilderness by being preloaded with the truth. Oh, dear one, how foolish we are to think the garden is where our lives will be trouble free. Our circumstances do not determine a life of joy and victory. Jesus experienced victory in the desert. Eve experienced defeat in comfort and ease.” (source)

"Sharon Jaynes has chosen to shatter the power of the lies that hold many women captive. Liberating, refreshing, candid, and practical, 'I'm Not Good Enough';...and Other Lies Women Tell Themselves assures you that you are! A must read for those who struggle with seeing themselves as God created them."
Michelle McKinney Hammond, author of The Power of Being a Woman

"In 'I'm Not Good Enough'...and Other Lies Women Tell Themselves, Sharon Jaynes wraps her arms around you and tells you the truth about yourself and life. She knows what you need to hear, when you need to hear it. If every woman would read this book, we'd have a world of content, confident, and victorious women."
Pam Farrel, author of Men Are Like Waffles—Women Are Like Spaghetti and The 10 Best Decisions a Woman Can Make

Product Details

  • Title : Enough: Silencing the Lies That Steal Your Confidence
  • Author: Jaynes, Sharon
  • Publisher: Harvest House Publishers
  • Publication Date: 2018
  • ISBN: 9780736973564

Sharon Jaynes is an inspirational speaker and Bible teacher for women’s conferences and events. She is also the author of several books, including Becoming the Woman of His Dreams, The Power of a Woman’s Words, and Praying for Your Husband from Head to Toe. Sharon and her husband, Steve, call North Carolina home.


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