Products>Raising a Modern-Day Joseph: A Timeless Strategy for Growing Great Kids

Raising a Modern-Day Joseph: A Timeless Strategy for Growing Great Kids

ISBN: 9780781406819


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Imagine this scenario for a typical teenager in your church: He's separated from his family and sent to live in a hedonistic, no-holds-barred culture. He's stripped of his spiritual support, left alone, and treated unfairly. Then, at his most vulnerable point, his ego is stoked with power and success. Throughout this rollercoaster ride, would he continue to serve God?

This very test was given to the Old Testament Joseph, whose faith remained rock solid. Yet it seems that our youth are ill-equipped to face the moral vacuum in today's culture. Worse, research shows that when young people leave home, many also leave the church. So how can we forge sons and daughters of faith and fortitude?

The vital answers are found in the story of Joseph. Drawing from this timeless narrative, author Larry Fowler offers a biblical plan for building teens who will love and serve Jesus Christ. Biblically based and up-to-the-minute relevant, Raising a Modern-Day Joseph is an essential guide to raising a generation that can pass life's tests with flying colors.

Top Highlights

“I am passionate about discipling children to know, love, and serve Jesus Christ.” (source)

“Want to test how effective we are? How about: Take a typical seventeen-year-old from your church, and plant him right in the middle of a godless, pagan, hedonistic culture. Separate him from his family. Strip him of his spiritual support system. Fire several dozen rounds of alluring temptations at him. Treat him unfairly again and again. Then feed his ego with promotions and success. How confident are you that your seventeen-year-old would continually demonstrate that he knows, loves, and serves God through all that?” (source)

“The more I know Christ, the more I’ll love Him; the more I love Him, the more I’ll serve Him; the more I serve Him, the more I’ll know Him.” (source)

“We must share the gospel with our children and young people as our primary mission” (source)

“Our task of raising committed followers of Christ is made more difficult by the constantly changing face of culture. Today’s teenagers have spent their formative years choosing their own media; they’ve selected what news is news, what program is programmed, what entertainment is entertaining them, and what facts are facts.” (source)

Product Details

  • Title : Raising a Modern-Day Joseph: A Timeless Strategy for Growing Great Kids
  • Author: Fowler, Larry
  • Publisher: David C Cook
  • Publication Date: 2011
  • ISBN: 9780781406819
Larry Fowler is the executive director of global training for Awana and the author of the popular Rock-Solid Kids. His writing is clear, from the heart, and biblically based. Having trained children's workers in forty-five countries, Larry is an international leader and key influencer of children's ministry around the globe.


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