Products>Nullifying God: Evolution’s End Game, A Scientist’s Challenge

Nullifying God: Evolution’s End Game, A Scientist’s Challenge


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Evolution and Creation are in a spiritual battle. Evolution scientists ignore, dismiss, and unequivocally reject Creation out of hand—"It is not science or fact as evolution is," they say. However, Nullifying God shows that random Darwinian evolution does not have the direct evidence required to support the claim. Not only that, but it provides contrary evidence that evolution is biologically impossible. Because that is the case, evolution can only persist in the unchallengeable authority it needs to maintain its position by actively attempting to nullify its alternative—Creation, and therefore, the Bible and God.

Nullifying God was especially written to empower and benefit believers who are not familiar with science to show them that evolution cannot be fact and is not science. It does so by: 1) providing them with a core foundation of applied science principles to rationally question evolution's claims, then 2) guiding them into solid, clear knowledge of why evolution is biologically impossible, and finally 3) presenting them with examples that document evolution’s attempts to nullify God. The bottom line is—Biblical Creation is the only answer that explains life.

Product Details

  • Title : Nullifying God: Evolution’s End Game, A Scientist’s Challenge
  • Author: Wilson, Ph.D., H. Robert
  • Publisher: Ambassador International
  • Publication Date: 2017
  • ISBN: 9781620203118


1 rating

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  1. Glenn Crouch

    Glenn Crouch


    This is a reasonably easy book to read, with most of the scientific concepts well explained. I especially enjoyed getting back into topics such as homeostasis - as it has been many years since High School Biology, and the unit on Microbiology I did at Uni. My own stance leans towards “Old Earth Creationism” so I was grateful that the “young earth” side of things was kept to a minimum. Whilst the author covers a number of concerns that I share when it comes to evolution, I feel that at times he seems to be a bit selective in how he presents the “defence of evolution”. I was especially disappointed with how light on are the footnotes - making it very difficult to follow things up. So not a bad book for those interested in Intelligent Design but I think a bit lacking if you wish to convince someone of the flaws in evolutionary models.


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