Products>Sneezing Jesus: How God Redeems Our Humanity

Sneezing Jesus: How God Redeems Our Humanity

, 2017
ISBN: 9781631467431
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Are you ready to be human?
Human. God. Two words that jar against each other and yet describe Jesus perfectly. Jesus was fully human and fully divine, which is extraordinary. But He was also ordinary in the most counterintuitive way: His life shows us what normal humanity is supposed to look like. Jesus came to earth to redeem humanity itself, and through Him, that redeemed humanity is available to us all.

In Sneezing Jesus, Brian Hardin journeys through vivid Gospel stories, pointing to a revolutionary truth: If Jesus was a normal human living a normal human life, then His death and resurrection didn’t just save our souls—it saves our humanity here and now.

This book is sweet, savory, spicy, and spiky all at the same time—a gentle masterpiece on the Jesus story that is breathtaking in its fresh insights and original voice.

Sneezing Jesus is inviting, compelling, revealing, instructive, hopeful, and inspiring. Brian’s insights and arresting storytelling gave me fresh passion to worship Jesus and to participate in bringing His Kingdom to all those around me. What can I say, really, except that I love this book? I was changed in ways I long to be changed.

Brian takes some well-worn and well-traveled Scripture and brings refreshing insights to it. Being truly human as a Christ follower means a much greater awareness of who really is within us. Allowing Him to infuse every moment with the consciousness of His presence changes us and those around us. This book is refreshing, stimulating, and challenging in our journey with Jesus and fellow believers.

We tell our children, “You can be anything you want to be.” But what if we told them, “Be like Jesus and you will be everything God made you to be”? Sneezing Jesus is an intriguing study of Jesus’ life that reveals our purpose as believers.

Want to refresh your faith? Sneezing Jesus will cause you to gaze upon Jesus and see things you have never noticed before. This delightful portrait of our wonderful Savior is a joy to read. Sneezing Jesus caused me to fall deeper in love with Jesus.

It was so good for my heart to walk the human road that Jesus walked and absorb the intention of His humanity. A simple, beautiful portrayal of our intended relationship with the Divine.

Few writers can put skin on God, making Him real and approachable. Brian is a master at allowing his reader to touch Jesus while at the same time instilling in them a deep reverence and awe for the creator of the universe. Sneezing Jesus is a must-read!

Sneezing Jesus opens our hearts and minds to the simple, powerful fact that Jesus has “been there, done that.” This book will leave you wanting more, believing for more, and expecting more in your life with Jesus. I’ll never look at sneezing the same again.

When heaven and earth meet, the boundary lines are indistinguishable. The collaboration between the divine and human are seamless in Jesus—and what our normal is supposed to be. I encourage you to grab this book.

Product Details

  • Title : Sneezing Jesus: How God Redeems Our Humanity
  • Author: Hardin, Brian
  • Publisher: NavPress
  • Publication Date: 2017
  • ISBN: 9781631467431


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