Digital Logos Edition
Logos is pleased to offer Frederic Louis Godet's classic commentary on the Gospel of Luke. Godet's commentary is frequently referenced to this day as a reliable source for the study of Luke's Gospel. It is one of the most significant studies of Luke from the 19th century and is respected for its exegetical style and ability to address the authenticity and origins of Luke's Gospel with precision.
Godet's Commentary on Luke is an important addition to the Logos Bible Software library because of its historical precedence as a premier study of third Gospel. This commentary includes the standard scripture reference tagging and language tools that allow users to integrate the new wealth of knowledge into their existing library and study the Gospel of Luke with greater depth.
A Commentary on the Gospel of John remains an unfinished work so long as it is left unaccompanied by a similar work on at least one of the synoptical Gospels. Of these three writings, the Gospel of Luke appeared to me best fitted to serve as a complement to the exegetical work which I had previously published, because, as M. Sabatier has well shown in his short but substantial Essai sur les Sources de la Vie de Jesus, Luke's writing constitutes, in several important respects, a transition between the view taken by John and that which forms the basis of the synoptical literature.
The exegetical method pursued is very nearly the same as in my preceding Commentary. I have not written merely for professed theologians; nor have I aimed directly at edification. This work is addressed, in general, to those readers of culture, so numerous at the present day, who take a heart-felt interest in the religious and critical questions which are now under discussion. To meet their requirements, a translation has been given of those Greek expressions which it was necessary to quote, and technical language has as far as possible been avoided. The most advanced ideas of modern unbelief circulate at the present time in all our great centers of population. In the streets of our cities, workmen are heard talking about the conflict between St. Paul and the other apostles of Jesus Christ. We must therefore endeavor to place the results of a real and impartial Biblical science within reach of all. I repeat, respecting this Commentary, what I have already said of its predecessor; it has been written, not so much with a view to its being consulted, as read.
If I am asked with what scientific or religious assumptions I have approached this study of the third Gospel, I reply; With these two only: that the authors of our Gospels were men of good sense and good faith.
Here is a deep well of refreshing insight on the Gospel of Luke. Godet was a leading Swiss Protestant Reformed scholar of the 19th century. He was an able defender of the orthodox Christian faith in an age of growing liberalism. This book represents one of Godet’s finest works of analysis and exposition.
—C. H. Dyer in Bibliotheca Sacra
[Godet] brings out the plan of the work, its unity, and many of the internal proofs that it was written by Luke, not as a mere compilation, or as founded upon the other gospels, but as a history in the true sense of the word, which drew its sources, indeed, from brief oral or written accounts already in existence, but wrought out what they furnished into a new and elaborated work.
—Review from New Englander and Yale Review, published in 1875
Godet, in all his commentaries, shows a scholarly breadth of familiarity with the commentators who preceded him. Many of their interpretations are stated and refuted in order to present that which the author feels is the correct interpretation of the passage. One can in reading this work avail himself of a clear summary of the views of many various writers. The author was respected as a theologian, hence his work has depth, and was revered as a Greek scholar and exegete, and thus his work has accuracy.
—J. D. Pentecost in Bibliotheca Sacra
Frédéric Louis Godet (1812–1900) Swiss Protestant theologian and New Testament scholar
Born at Neuchatel, and educated there and at Bonn and Berlin, Godet served from 1838 to 1844 as tutor to Crown Prince (later King) Frederick Wilhelm III of Prussia. He served as supply preacher in the Val–de–Ruy from 1844 to 1851, and as pastor at Neuchatel from 1851 to 1866. Between 1851 and 1873 he was also professor of exegetical and critical theology in Neuchatel. From 1873 to 1887 he was professor of New Testament exegesis at the newly established Free Evangelical Faculty, which he helped to found.
Godet did much to interpret German theological thought to French–speaking Protestants, and the English translations of his works made him influential in international New Testament scholarship. His conservative viewpoint in New Testament interpretation is clearly expressed in his critical commentaries (John, 1864–1865; Luke, 1871; Romans, 1879–1880; 1 Corinthians, 1886).
- taken from Who's Who in Christian History