Digital Logos Edition
The late legendary pastor Stephen Olford’s mid-twentieth century ministry classic returns to print in 2007 with extensive updates from his son David Olford, plus a previously unreleased foreword by the late Adrian Rogers and the original introduction from Billy Graham. Here, the Olfords relate many of their personal experiences with soul winning, offering time-tested practical advice on how to share the good news of Jesus Christ. The Secret of Soul Winning is still as relevant as the first day it was written and is sure to greatly inspire a new generation of disciples.
“Then divinely ordered circumstances were used to bring me out of the bondage of soul-winning in the flesh and into the blessing of soul-winning in the Spirit.” (Page 2)
“As soul-winners we shall ever be opposed by Satan’s fierce attacks. He will never release his victims easily. Because of this we dare not be anything less than Christlike in our reactions, or we cease to be true soul-winners.” (Page 7)
“The common notion that soul-winning is the exclusive work of full-time ministers of the gospel is erroneous. The apostle Paul states clearly that the gift of the evangelist in Christ’s church is ‘for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry [or serving]’ (Eph. 4:12). In other words, the motto and mission of every local church should be ‘Every Member Evangelism.’” (Page 8)
“My business is to be in line with His will. Winning men and women to the Lord Jesus Christ is not a matter of trial and error but of being led by the Holy Spirit.” (Page 2)
“The Lord Jesus is the only successful Soul-Winner, and it is only when He is in complete control of my life that I can hope to share in the fruits of His labors.” (Page 3)
From a heart that has been strangely and wonderfully warmed by the Spirit of God, Stephen Olford brings us practical suggestions about how to win men to Christ. I am confident that no one can prayerfully read this book without being a better Christian and without being adequately equipped to. . . save souls from death by the help of Him who loved us and gave Himself for us.
Stephen Olford (1918-2004) was the founder of Olford Ministries International and the Stephen Olford Center for Biblical Preaching. He was raised in Angola to missionary parents and after receiving ministry training was appointed an Army Scripture Reader during WW Two. After the war, he was involved in extensive evangelistic and preaching ministries throughout Britain and overseas. He and his family moved to Tennessee in 1985 to develop a training center that would equip and encourage preachers and teachers of God’s Word. As an ordained Baptist minister and a conservative evangelical, Olford ministered across many denominational, cultural, and racial lines.
David Olford serves as Stephen Olford Professor of Expository Preaching and as Assistant to the President at Union University in Tennessee. He serves as Chairman of the Board and President of Olford Ministries International. As both teacher and preacher, David has shared his passion of God’s Word across the United States and in numerous foreign countries.