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Every Prophecy about Jesus

ISBN: 9781434710130


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Considered by many to be the world’s foremost authority on biblical prophecy, Dr. John F. Walvoord devoted much of his time and scholarship to interpreting the Bible’s predictions about Jesus. From Jesus’s birth, to His death and resurrection, to His return to earth, every prophecy about Christ in the Bible is relevant to us today.

Now for the first time, these prophecies and interpretations are available by themselves in one book. This ultimate guide to messianic prophecy explores:

•    The historical background for every prophecy about Christ throughout the Bible
•    How and when Christ will return to earth
•    What today’s events in the Middle East have to do with Jesus’s life and purpose
•    How all the prophecies about Jesus influence and confirm one another
•    Why we can interpret biblical prophecies literally and why they matter to us today

Understanding biblical predictions about Christ is crucial to the church, our awareness of world events, and our personal faith in a God who keeps His promises.

Top Highlights

“Because approximately half of the prophecies of the Bible have already been fulfilled in a literal way, we have a strong intellectual basis for assuming that prophecy yet to be fulfilled will likewise have a literal fulfillment.” (source)

“At the end of the second century and through the third century, the heretical school of theology at Alexandria, Egypt, advanced the erroneous principle that the Bible should be interpreted in a nonliteral or allegorical sense. In applying this principle to the Scriptures, the school subverted all the major doctrines of the faith, including prophecy. The early church emphatically denied the Alexandrian system and to a large extent restored the interpretation of Scripture to its literal, grammatical, historical sense.” (source)

“since about one-fourth of the Bible was written as prophecy” (source)

“the source of strength, and the reason for hope. We shouldn’t” (source)

“In the history of the church, the prophetic portions of Scripture have suffered more from inadequate interpretation than any other major theological subject. The reason is that the church turned aside from a normal and literal interpretation of prophecy to one that is nonliteral and subject to the whims of the interpreter.” (source)

Product Details

  • Title : Every Prophecy about Jesus
  • Author: Walvoord, John F.
  • Publisher: David C Cook
  • Publication Date: 2016
  • ISBN: 9781434710130
During his sixty years as an author, teacher, and educator, Dr. John F. Walvoord articulated a comprehensive view of biblical prophecy. He served Dallas Theological Seminary for over half a century as faculty member, president, and chancellor. He continued to teach until a few weeks before his death in 2002.


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