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Understanding the Times: A Survey of Competing Worldviews


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Your view of God determines your view of the world.
You hold in your hands a landmark guide to understanding the ideas and forces shaping our times. Understanding the Times offers a fascinating, comprehensive look at the how the tenets of the Christian worldview compares with the five major competing worldviews of our day: Islam, Secular Humanism, Marxism, New Age, and Postmodernism.

Understanding the Times is a systematic way to understand the ideas that rule our world. While the material is expansive, the engaging, easy-to-understand writing style invites you to discover the truths of God – and our world. This classic should be on the shelf of every Christian home, on the desk of every pastor, and in the hands of every Christian student headed off to college.

Top Highlights

“The Oxford English Dictionary defines an idea as ‘a thought or suggestion as to a possible course of action.’ 8 What we conceive, what we believe, and our general impressions about the world are always based on something. If they are not based on an accurate understanding of truth, we’ll always be disoriented, unable to distinguish between genuine clues and background nose. This is why it is important, as the sixteenth-century scientist Johannes Kepler phrased it, to think God’s thoughts after him. God made the rules. To bear his image well, we should try to understand them, discern the patterns they create, and live differently as a result.” (source)

“Maybe the battles of our age are not first and foremost military battles, but battles of ideas.” (source)

“Secular Humanism: a religious and philosophical worldview that makes mankind the ultimate norm by which truth and values are to be determined; a worldview that reveres human reason, evolution, naturalism, and secular theories of ethics while rejecting every form of supernatural religion.” (source)

“Malcolm Gladwell refers to what he calls the ‘10,000-hour rule,’ the number of hours of intensive concentration and practice it takes to master a subject. If you worked at it eight hours a day, it would take you three and a half years to get that kind of experience. 3 There is no real shortcut to this rule, at least individually.” (source)

“The problem, of course, is that the more information we have, the harder it is to figure out what to do with it all. Even utterly wrong ideas can boast a cool website, making them appear credible. Information’s growth is exponential; wisdom’s demise is precipitous.” (source)

Product Details

  • Title : Understanding the Times: A Survey of Competing Worldviews
  • Authors:
    • Myers, Jeff
    • Noebel, David A.
  • Publisher: David C Cook
  • Publication Date: 2015
  • ISBN: 9780781413787
Over the last 20 years Dr. Jeff Myers has become one of America’s most respected authorities on youth leadership development and has equipped thousands of people to champion the Christian worldview. In addition to authoring Grow Together, Cultivate, and Handoff,

The founder and retired president of Summit Ministries, David Noebel is an author, editor, public speaker, ordained minister, and recognized expert in worldview analysis and spirituality in Western Civilization.


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  1. Richard C. Hammond, Jr.
  2. William S. Birch
    This book (and curriculum) are very helpful in preparing young people to have a strong Christian World view before going to a secular college/university or even some nominally Christian Institutions. I used it for close to 10 years spreading the whole book over 2 years for junniors and seniors in high school.


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