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A Million Ways to Die: The Only Way to Live

ISBN: 9781434702722


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We talk a lot about resurrection. What about the death that must come first? Through story and biblical insight, Rick James reminds us that when Jesus tells us to deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow him, he is describing a path of death, not a path to death.

Giving up our own plans in order to meet someone else’s needs. Allowing God to shape our dreams, even as we lose a relationship, a job, a hoped-for future. Being alert to these daily opportunities to die to ourselves is how we discover that every act of dying, done in faith, leads to spiritual growth.

As we learn to embrace the little deaths of everyday existence, we lose our taste for lifeless religiosity. Our appetite for a thriving, vibrant life in Christ grows—and our own experience motivates others to live out their extraordinary mission on earth. In truth, death is not an ending. It is the only way to experience abundant life.

Top Highlights

“But the Holy One cannot be digested, for ‘his body will not see decay’ (Ps. 16:10). Regurgitation is the only option for that which is inedible. The Son is spit out just as the whale ‘vomited’ Jonah back to the living. The stone rolls back, the mouth of the grave opens, and death forfeits its meal. Death cannot eat life. The empty tomb is death with its teeth kicked out.” (source)

“When Scripture declares that death has been swallowed by life, it is declaring a massive reversal of the natural order. Apart from Christ we deteriorate, body and soul. Death picks away at us little by little until the day its appetite swells to consume us whole.” (source)

“It certainly makes sense to me why an unbeliever would run from death. But for a believer, to run from death is, in reality, to run from life. This is why we embrace death and consider it pure joy in whatever form we encounter it. Death is no longer a dead end or detour to life; it’s a fuel stop. Death, like gasoline, is combusted and converted into mileage, enabling us to get to our destination—the light and life of the great city glowing over the horizon.” (source)

“The small d of death is critical to every Christian. While we may never die in our attempts to witness, our reputation might. Everyone has an ego, and the death of pride is a martyrdom to be shared by every Christian. Everyone can experience the death of a dream, a job, a hope, a relationship, an ego, or a reputation. We must all die to ourselves. There is no need to push or shove or wait in line; we will all get a chance to die.” (source)

Product Details

  • Title : A Million Ways to Die: The Only Way to Live
  • Author: James, Rick
  • Publisher: David C Cook
  • Publication Date: 2010
  • ISBN: 9781434702722

Rick James is Publisher of CruPress, the publishing arm of Campus Crusade. He is a graduate of Syracuse University and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and the author of numerous books, including Jesus Without Religion. He and his family live in West Chester, Pennsylvania.


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