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Authentic Fire: A Response to John MacArthur's Strange Fire

ISBN: 9781629984568


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In response to Pastor John MacArthur’s call for a “collective war,” against charismatics, Dr. Michael Brown has called for unity in Jesus based on a return to the truth of the Scriptures in the fullness of the Spirit.

As a charismatic biblical scholar and theologian, Dr. Brown responds to Pastor MacArthur’s charges, making a biblical case for the continuation of the New Testament gifts of the Spirit and demonstrating the unique contribution to missions, theology, and worship made by the charismatic Church worldwide. He calls for an appreciation of the unique strengths and weaknesses of both cessationists and charismatics, inviting readers to experience God afresh, and he demonstrates how charismatic leaders have been addressing abuses within their own movement for decades.

Dr. Brown speaks on behalf of millions who are not adequately trained to express in writing their own encounters with the supernatural power of God. - David Ravenhill

I thank God for this biblically-robust, pastorally-sensitive, historicallyinformed, and graciously-articulated account of the work of the Holy Spirit in the church of Jesus Christ. - Sam Storms

Dr. Michael Brown’s Authentic Fire puts the brakes on John MacArthur’s crusade against charismatics with irrefutable logic, extraordinary insight, Christ-like graciousness, and an undisputable handling of Scripture. - Frank Viola

Michael Brown writes with clarity and courtesy as he confronts one of the most explosive issues among all those who uphold the Bible as the plumb line of truth. - David Shibley

Top Highlights

“Is it possible that Satan is still binding people with sickness and disease? (Can you give me any clear scriptural statements that he has stopped?) And is it possible that Jesus is still setting the captives free? Is there evidence that either of their characters has changed? And is there scriptural evidence that what had been a curse under the Sinai covenant (severe sickness as divine judgment for disobedience) has become a blessing under the new and better covenant?44 And, in light of the abundant promises for healing in the Old Testament, what do we make of 2 Corinthians 1:20, ‘For all the promises of God find their Yes in him’?” (source)

“He is saying that He will be leaving the earth but then sending the Spirit, who will empower us to do what He did, and more (which obviously includes mass conversions, as happened at Pentecost in Acts 2). He then reinforces this with the promise to ask the Father for ‘anything’ in His name, and the answers would be to His glory. This promise cannot be limited to the apostles based on the language of ‘whoever believes in Me,’ nor can it limited to non-supernatural acts of service. The reverse is actually true.” (source)

“As John Calvin expressed it, ‘... the whole period of the new dispensation, from the time when Christ appeared to us with the preaching of his Gospel, until the day of judgment, is designated by the last hour, the last times, the last days ....’49 And Peter declared that the outpouring of the Spirit with prophecy and dreams and visions was something that would take place ‘in the last days.’ Those are the days in which we live.” (source)

Product Details

  • Title : Authentic Fire: A Response to John MacArthur's Strange Fire
  • Author: Brown, Michael L.
  • Publisher: Creation House
  • Publication Date: 2015
  • ISBN: 9781629984568
Michael L. Brown (Ph. D., New York University) is founder and president of FIRE School of Ministry and host of the nationally syndicated, daily talk radio show the Line of Fire. He is a published Old Testament and Semitic scholar and a leading Messianic Jewish apologist. He has written 25 books, including Hyper-Grace: Exposing the Dangers of the Modern Grace Movement.


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