“He did not come to condemn people who are stuck and struggling with sin. But in regard to all the misuse and abuse of people and to Satan’s work to thwart God’s plans, Jesus did come to bring light and judgment. In other words, He didn’t come into the world to judge, but He did come so that judgment would occur.” (source)
“bliss is abruptly halted by the sight of a huge specimen of southern homo sapien who” (source)
“You see, people are not evil. Evil is a spiritual force that often controls people or blinds people or causes people to do evil things. But darkness is never driven out by darkness. People have the lightbulbs turned on only when they see the light in us. And light doesn’t have to confront to do its work. It just has to be there.” (source)
“How can you influence people when you don’t allow them to be with you? We don’t get to keep people out of the kingdom of God, but we do get to draw people in. We cannot demonstrate the gospel while at the same time demonstrating against a person’s sin or lifestyle choices.” (source)
“But we cannot and should not impose our truths as disciples upon the external behavior patterns of nondisciples. So when we talk about the authoritative nature of Scripture, it can be applied only inside the family.” (source)