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Healing for Damaged Emotions Workbook

ISBN: 9781434709042


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Every experience we have forms a ring of memory in us. Each ring affects our feelings, our relationships, and our understanding of God. But those memories don’t have to control us. In this workbook edition of the beloved classic Healing for Damaged Emotions, David Seamands helps you move beyond the perfectionism, poor self-esteem, and shame that comes from unresolved pain. Here you’ll find:

•    The entire text of Healing for Damaged Emotions
•    Suggestions for Scripture reflection
•    Prayer exercises and journaling prompts
•    Discussion questions and a guide to group study

Through Seamands’s encouraging and practical words, you’ll discover that your past doesn’t have to hurt your present.

Top Highlights

“Satan’s greatest psychological weapon is a gut-level feeling of inferiority, inadequacy, and low self-worth” (source)

“Many years ago I was driven to the conclusion that the two major causes of most emotional problems among evangelical Christians are: (1) the failure to understand, receive, and live out God’s unconditional grace and forgiveness, and (2) the failure to give out that unconditional love, forgiveness, and grace to other people.” (source)

“What are some of these damaged emotions? One of the most common is a deep sense of unworthiness, a continuous feeling of anxiety, inadequacy, and inferiority, an inner nagging that says, ‘I’m no good. I’ll never amount to anything. No one could ever possibly love me. Everything I do is wrong.’” (source)

“A great crisis experience of Jesus Christ, as important and eternally valuable as this is, is not a shortcut to emotional health. It is not a quickie cure for personality problems.” (source)

“Then there are the people who are filled with fears. Perhaps the greatest of them all is the fear of failure.” (source)

Product Details

  • Title : Healing for Damaged Emotions Workbook
  • Author: Seamands, David A.
  • Publisher: David C Cook
  • Publication Date: 2015
  • ISBN: 9781434709042
David Seamands was a pastor, missionary, and professor emeritus and counselor-in-residence at Asbury Theological Seminary. He authored several books, including If Only, Putting Away Childish Things, and Freedom from the Performance Trap. Beth Funk has served as director of Recovery Groups and Singles Ministry at Ocean Hills Community Church in San Juan Capistrano, California and has been involved in recovery and small groups ministry for many years.


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