“Leibniz came to the conclusion that the answer is to be found, not in the universe of created things, but in God. God exists necessarily and is the explanation for why anything else exists.” (source)
“For in a universe without God, good and evil do not exist—there is only the bare, valueless fact of existence, and there is no one to say you are right and I am wrong.” (source)
“The moral argument asserts not that belief in God is necessary for objective morality, but that the existence of God is necessary.” (source)
“As Sartre observed, several hours or several years make no difference once you have lost eternity.” (source)
“Ghazali would therefore respond to the question by saying that God is eternal and uncaused. This is not special pleading for God, since this is exactly what the atheist has traditionally said about the universe: it is eternal and uncaused. The problem is that if we now have good evidence that the universe is not eternal but had a beginning, then the atheist is backed into the corner of saying the universe sprang into being without a cause, which is absurd.” (source)
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David McIntosh
Ray Mills
Richard C. Hammond, Jr.