Products>Kingdom Come: Why We Must Give Up Our Obsession with Fixing the Church--and What We Should Do Instead

Kingdom Come: Why We Must Give Up Our Obsession with Fixing the Church--and What We Should Do Instead

ISBN: 9781496406682


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There’s a reason Jesus taught us to pray “Thy Kingdom come . . .” and not “Thy church come.” The church clearly plays an important role in God’s plans. It was established by Christ, and he is its Head. But have we put too much emphasis on the church? Have we confused a means of participating in God’s Kingdom with the Kingdom itself?

In Kingdom Come, church ministry consultant Reggie McNeal reveals why it’s crucial to realign the church’s mission with God’s ultimate Kingdom agenda. You’ll discover how you can get in on—and help lead—the Kingdom movement currently underway.

Join the mission to help the Kingdom break into our hearts . . . and break out into the world.

Top Highlights

“‘We need each other’ is a fundamental principle of the Kingdom.” (source)

“God has not restricted his Kingdom activity to the church domain, he is not restricted in whom he uses in his Kingdom endeavors. The Scriptures testify to times when he used even wicked kings and rulers (Cyrus of Persia, Herod the Great, and Nero, to name a few) to accomplish his Kingdom purposes. He also uses ordinary people, many of whom are not church people. God has his Kingdom agents everywhere, battling society’s ills in every community, even when they don’t know they are his Kingdom agents. How much more would he do if we were to unbundle the pent-up social and financial capital of the people inside the walls of so many church buildings?” (source)

“The missional understanding of church opens the door to a reevaluation of the relationship between the church and the Kingdom, with an expanded view of God’s work in the world.” (source)

“The mainliners loved people without telling them the whole truth spiritually. The evangelicals told the truth, but often in ways that came across as unloving.” (source)

“it manifests itself on earth. Jesus taught his disciples to pray that God’s heavenly Kingdom would show itself on earth,” (source)

Product Details

  • Title : Kingdom Come: Why We Must Give Up Our Obsession with Fixing the Church--and What We Should Do Instead
  • Author: McNeal, Reggie
  • Publisher: Tyndale Momentum
  • Publication Date: 2015
  • ISBN: 9781496406682


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