“The very fact that we long for the change we do is a sign that we are meant to have it. Our very dissatisfaction with our weaknesses and struggles points to the reality that continuing to live in them is not our destiny.” (source)
“When we have a change of heart on the inside, it manifests itself on the outside. But you and I both know by now that most of our healing and changing doesn’t happen at the moment of our conversion. We walk it out. God invites us into a process.” (source)
“We are saying that we will not hold on to our pain, our rage, or our sense of injustice any longer. We release them to God to deal with, and we refuse to let them hurt us any longer.” (source)
“When you enjoy something, be it a fragrance, a feeling, or a view, receive it as the love note from Jesus that it is and say to him, ‘I love you, too.’” (source)
“The process of deep, from-the-heart healing, growth, transformation, and freedom begins when we believe we are loved” (source)