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The Façade

ISBN: 9781577995685


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The Façade

Sci-fi meets historical fact in this thrilling novel by ancient-language scholar Michael Heiser.

Haunted by his parents’ death and his career failures, Dr. Brian Scott has begun to settle for the life he’s been given.

Until he’s kidnapped by military insiders known as The Group.

Disappearances. Visitations. Murder.

Brian and a team of world-class scholars are given a confidential mission: To prepare mankind for a new reality. They are here. But as the government’s involvement with extraterrestrials is revealed, strange things begin to happen. Something isn’t right. Unpeeling layer after layer of deception and counter-deception, Brian moves toward a shocking revelation that will forever alter how mankind sees itself.

Every document cited in The Façade actually exists.
Every ancient text discussed in The Façade is authentic.
Every historical figure referred to or quoted in The Façade is real.

Top Highlights

“‘Right. There were actually several giant races mentioned in the Bible beside the Nephilim—the Anakim, the Emim, the Zamzummim, the Rephaim.” (Page 242)

“The word is actually borrowed from the Aramaic word for giant, which is naphil.’” (Page 242)

“‘My solution to the image obstacle is based on a point of Hebrew grammar in the text of Genesis 1:26, the primary biblical verse concerning the image: ‘And God said, ‘Let us make humankind in our image.’ ’ I don’t believe the image of God is a thing put into us by God that makes us unique, but rather it’s something we do or are. It’s not a quality; it’s a function. We don’t possess God’s image; we image God.’” (Page 125)

“According to the prophet Isaiah, that’s the name of the heavenly being who rebelled against God some time before humans were created, the one the New Testament later connects with the garden of Eden episode. His full name is Helel ben-Shakar—it means ‘Shining One, son of the dawn.” (Page 132)

“A hero puts aside their own hopes and dreams to help someone else achieve theirs.” (source)

Product Details

  • Title: The Façade
  • Author: Michael Heiser
  • Publisher: Kirkdale Press
  • Publication Date: 2014
  • Format: Faithlife Ebook

About Michael S. Heiser

Michael S. Heiser (1963–2023) was a popular Bible teacher, author, and the founding executive director of AWKNG School of Theology. An expert in the Bible and ancient Semitic languages, he wrote numerous books, including The Unseen Realm, Angels, and Demons. For many years, he was scholar-in-residence at Logos Bible Software. He earned a PhD in Hebrew Bible and Semitic languages from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.


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  1. Ray Mills

    Ray Mills


  2. Paul E. Coombs
    I to am very sadden to hear about the home going of Dr. Michael S. Heiser. I have learned a great deal from his ministry.
  3. C John Zane

    C John Zane


    I am very sad to hear of the passing of Michael S Heiser yesterday (2/20/23) but that's just my pain. His has happily ended. His effect on my understanding and how I view God and his Word and even myself and faith have been influenced by him.


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