Products>A Year of Prayer: Growing Closer to God Week After Week

A Year of Prayer: Growing Closer to God Week After Week

ISBN: 9780736958660


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Every Christian wants to know greater fulfillment in his or her prayer life. That’s natural—as God’s children, we should yearn to draw closer to our Father and commune more intimately with Him.

This book is filled with weekly inspiration that will greatly enrich your prayer life. You’ll find your prayers becoming more focused, more powerful, more God-centered in ways that are truly life-changing.

This collection is comprised of prayers lifted up to God by John MacArthur on the Lord’s Day. They speak of God’s majesty and His wonderful love and care, and make transparent the deepest longings of the human heart. Through these prayers you’ll find yourself lifted true worship, praise, and thanksgiving.

“We need to pray more; we need to give more careful thought to the content of our prayers; and we need to spend more time preparing our hearts and our tongues for prayer. It is with that in mind that I offer this book.”
—John MacArthur

Top Highlights

“We who love the Lord can’t help sensing that the most vital things we need to pray about go way beyond ourselves, our desires, or our own will. The Spirit within us compels us to lift up our brothers and sisters in Christ at the same time. This book is all about helping us, as God’s people, to pray like that more than we actually do. Because we are fallen creatures, we wrestle constantly with a natural temptation to focus on self and immediate circumstances rather than fixing our hearts and minds on what our Lord said we ought to pray about. That’s one of many things that make prayer such a difficult discipline for most of us.” (source)

“In prayer, true eloquence and long-windedness are antithetical.” (source)

“fashion. Remember that Jesus warned against vain repetition and showy, grandiose prayers (Matthew 6:5-8).” (source)

“Our theology was shaped by the words our dad prayed.” (source)

“obtain the salvation He purchased on the cross for us.” (source)

Product Details

  • Title : A Year of Prayer: Growing Closer to God Week After Week
  • Author: MacArthur, John
  • Publisher: Harvest House Publishers
  • Publication Date: 2014
  • ISBN: 9780736958660


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  1. Richard C. Hammond, Jr.
  2. Debra W Bouey

    Debra W Bouey


  3. Diann



  4. don everly

    don everly


    Books of learning, Books of faith
  5. don everly

    don everly


    Books of learning, Books of faith
  6. Marie Anne Kelm


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