Products>Seeking Daily the Heart of God

Seeking Daily the Heart of God

ISBN: 9781452474854


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Seeking Daily the Heart of God is filled with 365, 3-minute daily devotionals. Each scripture based devotional is written real-time from Boyd Bailey's daily walk with the Lord. Join us as a fellow "wisdom hunter" as we seek to apply unchanging Truth in a changing world.

Top Highlights

“A man of prayer avoids self-inflicted problems because he prays” (source)

“Instead of demanding its own way, love seeks to make those around it successful. Love listens; pride talks. Love forgives; pride resents. Love gives; pride takes. Love apologizes; pride blames. Love understands; pride assumes. Love accepts; pride rejects. Love trusts; pride doubts. Love asks; pride tells. Love leads; pride drives. Love frees up; pride binds up. Love builds up; pride tears down. Love encourages; pride discourages. Love confronts; pride is passive-aggressive. Love is peaceful; pride is fearful. Love clarifies with truth; pride confuses with lies. Love and pride are mutually exclusive. Love dies with pride but comes alive with humility.” (source)

“Wise living includes the ability to discern right from wrong and good from best. Use the Bible as your guide for wise recommendations. Your ability to discern will grow as you mature in the faith.” (source)

“Disappointment is meant to drive us toward God and not away from Him.” (source)

“Trust and intimacy comes from looking into each other's eyes.” (source)

Product Details

  • Title : Seeking Daily the Heart of God
  • Author: Bailey, Boyd
  • Publisher: Wisdom Hunters
  • Publication Date: 2011
  • ISBN: 9781452474854


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