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Losers Like Us: Redefining Discipleship after Epic Failure

ISBN: 9780781411998


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In 2008, after seven years of preparation, Daniel Hochhalter permanently failed his PhD, leaving him with no refunds, no transferable credits, no recourse to appeal or try again, and no hope of gaining the qualifications needed for his desired career. Then he lost his job. Devastated and in crisis, with no Plan B and no clue how to redeem his future, he looked to the twelve disciples and discovered that—despite their gaping faults and sins—God still loved them and used them to change the world.

With fresh warmth and wisdom, ample hope and humor, Losers Like Us skillfully intertwines Dan’s own story with theirs to show how our worst mistakes and greatest failures bring us to a place of teachableness, egolessness, brokenness, and empathy—the very qualifications required to receive God’s love and grace, and to manifest his kingdom on earth.

Top Highlights

“Note that in making his selection, Jesus bypassed the religious institutions and took it to the streets. He snubbed the head of the class, the cream of the crop. He ignored credentials, achievements, and the ‘who’s who’ of religious piety. He jettisoned every qualification we deem important in leadership and chose instead to call ordinary people—mostly manual laborers with little or no education, ministry experience, or leadership skills.” (source)

“My problem is typical among spotlight lovers: somewhere along the way, many of us move from seeing the spotlight as a fun but neutral part of life, to seeing it as the goal of life. Instead of using the spotlight to reveal Jesus to others, we use Jesus as a spotlight to draw attention to ourselves.” (source)

“He has only three main ‘scenes’ in Scripture—bringing Peter to Jesus, bringing the boy with the loaves and fishes to Jesus, and bringing some Greeks to Jesus—but in each case, he is introducing someone to Jesus.” (source)

“Yet this is what makes the story so exciting. God’s choice is perfect. Those he has chosen to do kingdom work are the perfect ones to do it. And yet, they are always flawed individuals. Losers. This pattern, consistent throughout Scripture, is a remarkable testament to God’s creativity and grace: he chooses ordinary, broken humans to introduce his mercy and love to an ordinary, broken world.” (source)

“In the movie Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, as Indiana passionately chases after the Holy Grail from which Christ drank at the Last Supper, his father pointedly asks him, ‘Do you seek the cup for his glory, or yours?’” (source)

“God seems to have a soft spot for the ordinary, broken and failed people of the world. We fight those labels with everything we have, but in the end we always seem to end up in the same place. In Losers Like Us, Dan Hochhalter takes a raw and honest look at a journey from failure to freedom. But Losers Like Us is more than that—it is an invitation to discover that freedom for yourself.”
Rick McKinley, Senior Pastor, Imago Dei Community

Product Details

  • Title : Losers Like Us: Redefining Discipleship after Epic Failure
  • Author: Hochhalter, Daniel
  • Publisher: David C Cook
  • Publication Date: 2014
  • ISBN: 9780781411998
Daniel Hochhalter lives with his wife and two wiener dogs in Portland, Oregon, where his only true credential is that the Lord loves him. Dan has a B.S. (Liberty University, Lynchburg, VA) and an M.Div. (George Fox Evangelical Seminary, Newberg, OR). He does not have a PhD.


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