Followers of Jesus need not fear hard questions or objections against Christian belief. In A Reasonable Response, renowned Christian philosopher and apologist William Lane Craig offers dozens of examples of how some of the most common challenges to Christian thought can be addressed, including:
Utilizing real questions submitted to his popular website ReasonableFaith.org, Dr. Craig models well-reasoned, skillful, and biblically informed interaction with his inquirers. A Reasonable Response goes beyond merely talking about apologetics; it shows it in action. With cowriter Joseph E. Gorra, this book also offers advice about envisioning and practicing the ministry of answering people’s questions through the local church, workplace, and in online environments.
Whether you're struggling to respond to tough objections or looking for answers to your own intellectual questions, A Reasonable Response will equip you with sound reasoning and biblical truth.
No sincere question about God is out of bounds. Here, one of the world's foremost apologists offers insightful answers to challenging inquiries sent to him - and models how to help people get past their spiritual sticking points.
Lee Strobel, author of The Case for Christ and The Case for Faith.
The premise of this very helpful volume is stated up front: "questions are our friends." I couldn't agree more, and that's why I love this new book. Dr. Craig's responses to questions he's been asked over the years will stretch you, but with Joe Gorra's assistance you'll gain the benefit of understanding new insights, you won't regret the journey.
John Stonestreet, Author and Speaker for Colson Center for Christian Worldview (BreakPoint.org) and Summit Ministries (Summit.org).
What a book! Combining a top-notch reference work with solid, practical instruction, Bill Craig and Joe Gorra have created a unique and innovative title that will help all Christians grow and minister. Bill's sharp insights answering the biggest questions surrounding Christianity provide a rich resource for the pastor or apologist, while Joe's analysis and framework provides real-world wisdom that can be employed by the evangelist as well as the philosopher.
The book is thoughtfully organized to help the reader move logically through the material, even if many of the subjects are previously unfamiliar to him. The Insights into the questions are spot-on and the recommended resources offer further instruction. Gorra's opening comments draw the reader back to reason-giving ministries' true purpose of honoring Christ and building His kingdom.
A Reasonable Response not only gives you the answers but shows the value of apologetics and helps the reader be a more effective communicator of the Gospel message. Equally at home as a small group guide or a personal growth tool, I cannot recommend A Reasonable Response highly enough.
Lenny Esposito, Founder and President, Come Reason Ministries (ComeReason.org).
As a pastor of 30+ years in two wonderful churches I know first-hand the importance of apologetics in the life of the church and the personal journey of believers. I've faced the questions of confused believers and disgruntled skeptics. A Reasonable Response is not only a tremendous resource because of its comprehensive content but also because of its user-friendly approach that leverages a Q&A format. Dr. Craig strikes an incredible balance between gifted philosopher and compassionate sage. Of special interest are the appendixes which provide practical advice to pastors on recommendations for doing apologetics in the local church while highlighting mistakes and assumptions to avoid. If there is one book that a pastor should use to build his church's commitment to apologetics-this is it! I enthusiastically recommend this work by Dr. Craig & Joseph Gorra.
Dr. Brent Strawsburg, Equipping & Outreach Consultant, Conservative Baptist Association of Southern California
Dr. Craig's credentials are well known, so it will not surprise the reader that serious questions about God and the Christian life are answered with wisdom and respect. An added bonus to this work is how well the church and pastor are handled. I don't know of another book that answers the seeker, trains the Christian, and models the apologetic task in the context of the church as well as this one does. As a pastor, I am grateful for how this book approaches my vocation. It belongs in my church. It belongs in your church.
Phil Steiger, Senior Pastor, Living Hope Church (Colorado Springs, Colorado)
Unlike similar books that repackage the same tired answers to perennial questions, A Reasonable Response offers thoughtful and philosophically astute, yet succinct, answers to some of the most challenging queries of both skeptics and believers. While you may not always fully agree with his conclusions, you'll gain valuable insight from reading Bill Craig's winsome, enlightening approach to apologetics.
Joe Carter, Editor, The Gospel Coalition (TheGospelCoalition.org)
If learning is often by example, then A Reasonable Response can be a valuable source of encouragement to current and emerging leaders in apologetics. Read it for your own equipping. Read it to gain confidence in answering people's tough questions. Every Christian at every university should have a copy on their bookshelf!
Rick Schenker, President, Ratio Christi: A Student Apologetics Alliance (RatioChristi.org).
This is a Q&A book that goes well beyond mere questions and answers. It does not dump a bunch of answers in your lap and then send you on your way. No, this book lingers with you, inviting you into the practice of thinking itself. If you study this book carefully, you will certainly gain a rich storehouse of Christian answers. But more importantly, it will equip you to think for yourself so that eventually you're able to arrive at answers on your own. And when you can do that, you will be well-positioned to help others discover satisfying answers to their deepest questions.
Brett Kunkle, Student Impact Director at Stand to Reason (STR.org).
I am thrilled to endorse A Reasonable Response. Not only does Dr. Craig tackle some of the toughest questions people are asking today, but we get an"insider's glimpse" as to how and why he answered them as he did. This book will be helpful to beginners and experts alike.
Sean McDowell is an educator, speaker, and is the general editor for The Apologetics Study Bible for Students
When I am preparing for a debate or a presentation before an atheistic college audience, there is no one I rely on more for clear arguments than Dr. William Lane Craig. Now the most important of them are here in this one volume! A Reasonable Response should convince anyone who is truly reasonable that Christianity is indeed true.
Dr. Frank Turek, President of CrossExamined.org and co-author of I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist
For many years, William Lane Craig has thoughtfully and graciously engaged in answering questions from people around the world. A Reasonable Response combines some of the most difficult questions Dr. Craig has received with the answers he has given into one incredibly valuable resource! Not only will the reader gain insight into Dr. Craig's arguments, but she will see an excellent model of how to be an ambassador for Christ. Thank you Joe Gorra and William Lane Craig for providing a resource that not only attends to the life of the mind but also challenges Christians in the daily practice of Christianity. This is a timely work in the field of apologetics!
Mary Jo Sharp, Assistant Professor of Apologetics, Houston Baptist University, Founder and Director,&nbs
Chapter 1: On Believing and Knowing
Chapter 2: On Argumentation and Logic
Chapter 3: On the Basis for Objective Morality
Chapter 4: On the Authority of Scripture
Chapter 5: On the Existience of God
Chapter 6: On the Trinity
Chapter 7: On Divine Attributes
Chapter 8: On the Origins of the Universe
Chapter 9: God and Time
Chapter 10: On Atheism and Meaning in Life
Chapter 11: On Theology and Science
Chapter 12: On the Afterlife, Hell, and the Unevangelized
Chapter 13: On the Problem of Evil
Chapter 14: On Jesus
Chapter 15: On Discipleship to Jesus
Chapter 16: On Social-Moral Issues
Chapter 17: On Practical Advice
Appendix 1: Tips On Using The Book for Small Group Study
Appendix 2: On Fostering Question-Asking, Answer-Seeking Environments
Appendix 3: Civility Guidelines for (Online) "Third Places"
: In the lengthy introduction to A REASONABLE RESPONSE, Joseph Gorra writes, "I think that the key to victorious Christian living is not to have all your questions answered— which is probably impossible in a finite lifetime—but to learn to live successfully with unanswered questions. The key is to prevent unanswered questions from becoming destructive doubts." A REASONABLE RESPONSE is a collection of letters from individuals asking William Lane Craig questions and his responses to those questions. Sometimes the responses are answers. Other times they are re-directions to what is the real question or the more important questions. In both cases, Craig's breadth of knowledge is remarkable and his defense of the Christian faith solid.
This is a lengthy book (over 400 pages in my version), and it is structured to not be necessarily read straight through from beginning to end. In fact, it lends itself more to browsing the table of contents and finding topics of personal interest. If you have not read William Lane Craig or seen his debates, He is a brilliant man. Be aware that if you do not have a strong grounding in philosophy, syllogisms, and the advanced mechanics of how arguments work; the first third of the book might not mean much to you. I admit much of it was over my head. Once you get past the "knowing and believing what is real" section, the questions and answers become easier to follow for the average reader who did not major in philosophy.
Craig tackles all of the tough questions from the existence of God, the problem of evil (several times), origins of the universe, atheism, scientism, homosexuality, morals, Jesus' resurrection, etc. At the beginning of each section, Gorra includes lists of suggested readings divided into beginner, intermediate, and advanced. It is telling that several of the letters begin with the writer stating that they are atheist, but that they respect Craig's work. Craig is not one to mince words. If someone has not done their homework or simply has shoddy thinking, he tells them so up front. He always goes on to explain and address their questions piece by piece.
One of my favorite responses is in regards to Stephen Hawking's book - "The answer to your question, Matthew—'how can physicists make these statements?'—was given long ago by Albert Einstein, when he remarked, 'The man of science is a poor philosopher.' Hawking and Mlodinow’s book bears witness to Einstein’s sagacity."
If you are a student of apologetics, philosophy, and the Christian worldview; I would recommend this book. There are appendices that give recommendations for how to use the book for small group studies on apologetics and answering those tough questions. In our world today, which is so hostile to the Christian worldview, this book is a blessing."
Reviewed by Tom Marshall, September 2, 2013, LibraryThing.com
Here, one of the world's foremost apologists offers insightful answers to challenging inquiries sent to him- and models how to help people get past their spiritual sticking points. - Lee Strobel, Author of The Case for Christ and The Case for Faith.
Every Christian at every university should have a copy on their bookshelf. -Rich Schenker, President of Ratio Christi: A Student Apologetics Alliance (RatioChristi.org)
It does not dump a bunch of answers in your lap and then send you on your way. No, this book lingers with you, inviting you into the practice of thinking itself. - Brett Kunkle, student impact director at Stand to Reason (STR.org)
mp;A book that goes well beyond mere questions and answers. It will linger with you, inviting you into the practice of thinking itself. If you study this book carefully, you will certainly gain a rich storehouse of Christian answers. But more importantly, it will equip you to think for yourself so that eventually you’re able to arrive at answers on your own. And when you can do that, you will be well-positioned to help others discover satisfying answers to their deepest questions.—Brett Kunkle, Student Impact Director at Stand to Reason (STR.org)
Dr. Craig not only tackles some of the toughest questions people are asking today, but we get an “insider’s glimpse” as to how and why he answers them as he does. This book will be helpful to beginners and experts alike.
—Sean McDowell, educator, speaker, and general editor for The Apologetics Study Bible for Students
When I am preparing for a debate or a presentation before an atheistic college audience, there is no one I rely on more for clear arguments than William Lane Craig. Now the most important of those arguments appear in this one volume! A Reasonable Response should convince anyone who is truly reasonable that Christianity is indeed true.
—Dr. Frank Turek, president of CrossExamined.org and coauthor of I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist
For many years, William Lane Craig has thoughtfully and graciously engaged in answering questions from people around the world. A Reasonable Response combines some of the most difficult questions Dr. Craig has received with the answers he has given into one incredibly valuable resource! Not only will the reader gain insight into Dr. Craig’s arguments, but she will see an excellent model of how to be an ambassador for Christ. Here’s a resource that not only attends to the life of the mind but also challenges Christians in the daily practice of Christianity. This is a timely work in the field of apologetics!
—Mary Jo Sharp, assistant professor of Apologetics, Houston Baptist University, founder, Confident Christianity Apologetics Ministry
William Craig is one of the top Christian thinkers in the world today. A Reasonable Response is a classic collection of his responses to readers’ questions. Readers will be delighted tosee how Dr. Craig handles even the most difficult questions people ask today. Read thisaccessible book to sharpen your own skills in apologetics.
—Dennis McCallum, author, Discovering God: Exploring the Possibilities of Faith, and a lead pastor at Xenos Christian Fellowship (Ohio)
For the Christian ambassador seeking to master his subject and become a tactful communicator, there is no better example than William Lane Craig. In A ReasonableResponse, budding apologists will find not only a rich resource of scholarly content but wisdom and insight for engaging others with gentleness and respect.
—Brian Auten, founder of Apologetics315.com and director of Reasonable Faith (Belfast)
A Reasonable Response is God’s gift to Christendom. We not only benefit from Dr. Craig’s cogent and insightful answers to tough perennial questions, but we get a glimpse into what really excites the heart of the author—one who is passionate and dedicated in reaching the genuine seeker through the defense of the truth claims of Christianity. His example is one to emulate. This is a must-read.
—Harry Edwards, founder and director, Apologetics.com
Christians today have access to tremendous informational resources for defending the faith—but information by itself is not enough. Apologetics is relational; questions and objections come from real people, whether they are family, friends, coworkers, or even strangers on the Internet. A Reasonable Response provides a valuable resource for Christians who seek both to have good answers to questions, and to share those answers in a way that will be genuinely respectful and helpful. The question-and-answer format makes A Reasonable Response a handy reference guide while also modeling how to graciously answer questions. A further benefit of this book is the extensive introduction, conclusion, and appendixes that explore crucial ideas about apologetics dialogue as a ministry.
—Dr. Holly Ordway, chair of the department of apologetics, Houston Baptist University
Praise for A Reasonable Response
No sincere question about God is out of bounds. Here, one of the world’s foremost
apologists offers insightful answers to challenging inquiries sent to him—and models how
to help people get past their spiritual sticking points.
—Lee Strobel, author of The Case for Christ and The Case for Faith.
The premise of this very helpful volume is stated up front: “questions are our friends.” I
couldn’t agree more, and that’s why I love this new book. Dr. Craig’s responses to questions
he’s been asked over the years will stretch you, but with Joe Gorra’s assistance you’ll gain the
benefit of understanding new insights. You won’t regret the journey.
— John Stonestreet, author and speaker for Colson Center for Christian
Worldview (BreakPoint.org) and Summit Ministries (Summit.org).
What a book! Combining a top-notch reference work with solid, practical instruction, Bill
Craig and Joe Gorra have created a unique and innovative title that will help all Christians
grow and minister. Bill’s sharp insights answer the biggest questions surrounding Christianity,
while Joe’s analysis and framework provides real-world wisdom that can be employed by the
evangelist as well as the philosopher.
A Reasonable Response not only gives you the answers but shows the value of apologetics
and helps the reader be a more effective communicator of the gospel message. This is a
rich resource for the pastor and apologist, and an effective tool for personal growth.
— Lenny Esposito, founder and president, Come Reason Ministries
As a pastor for more than 30 years, I know firsthand the importance of apologetics in the
life of the church and the personal journey of believers. I’ve faced the questions of confused
believers and disgruntled skeptics. A Reasonable Response has comprehensive content yet
a user-friendly approach that leverages a Q&A format. Dr. Craig strikes an impressive
balance between gifted philosopher and compassionate sage. Of special interest are the
appendixes, which provide practical advice to pastors on recommendations for doing
apologetics in the local church.
— Dr. Brent Strawsburg, Equipping & Outreach Consultant, Conservative
Baptist Association of Southern California
Dr. Craig’s credentials are well known, so it will not surprise the reader that serious questions
about God and the Christian life are answered with wisdom and respect. An added bonus
to this work is how well the church and pastor are handled. I don’t know of another book
that answers the seeker, trains the Christian, and models the apologetic task in the context
of the church as well as this one does.
— Phil Steiger, senior pastor, Living Hope Church (Colorado Springs)
Unlike similar books that repackage the same tired answers to perennial questions, A
Reasonable Response offers thoughtful and philosophically astute, yet succinct, answers to
some of the most challenging queries of both skeptics and believers. You’ll gain valuable
insight from reading Bill Craig’s winsome, enlightening approach to apologetics.
— Joe Carter, editor, The Gospel Coalition (TheGospelCoalition.org)
If learning is often by example, then A Reasonable Response can be a valuable source of
encouragement to current and emerging leaders in apologetics. Read it for your own
equipping. Read it to gain confidence in answering people’s tough questions. Every Christian
at every university should have a copy on their bookshelf!
—R ick Schenker, president, Ratio Christi: A Student Apologetics
Alliance (RatioChristi.org).
This is a Q&A book that goes well beyond mere questions and answers. It will linger with
you, inviting you into the practice of thinking itself. If you study this book carefully, you will
certainly gain a rich storehouse of Christian answers. But more importantly, it will equip
you to think for yourself so that eventually you’re able to arrive at answers on your own.
And when you can do that, you will be well-positioned to help others discover satisfying
answers to their deepest questions.
— Brett Kunkle, Student Impact Director at Stand to Reason (STR.org).
Dr. Craig not only tackles some of the toughest questions people are asking today, but we
get an “insider’s glimpse” as to how and why he answers them as he does. This book will be
helpful to beginners and experts alike.
— Sean McDowell , educator, speaker, and general editor for The Apologetics
Study Bible for Students
When I am preparing for a debate or a presentation before an atheistic college audience,
there is no one I rely on more for clear arguments than William Lane Craig. Now the most
important of those arguments appear in this one volume! A Reasonable Response should
convince anyone who is truly reasonable that Christianity is indeed true.
— Dr. Frank Turek, president of CrossExamined.org and coauthor of I Don’t
Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist
For many years, William Lane Craig has thoughtfully and graciously engaged in
answering questions from people around the world. A Reasonable Response combines some
of the most difficult questions Dr. Craig has received with the answers he has given into
one incredibly valuable resource! Not only will the reader gain insight intoDr. Craig’s
arguments, but she will see an excellent model of how to be an ambassador for Christ.
Here’s a resource that not only attends to the life of the mind but also challenges Christians
in the daily practice of Christianity. This is a timely work in the field of apologetics!
— Mary Jo Sharp, assistant professor of Apologetics, Houston Baptist
University, founder, Confident Christianity Apologetics Ministry
William Craig is one of the top Christian thinkers in the world today. A Reasonable Response
is a classic collection of his responses to readers’ questions. Readers will be delighted to
see how Dr. Craig handles even the most difficult questions people ask today. Read this
accessible book to sharpen your own skills in apologetics.
— Dennis McCall um, author, Discovering God: Exploring the Possibilities of
Faith, and a lead pastor at Xenos Christian Fellowship (Ohio).
For the Christian ambassador seeking to master his subject and become a tactful
communicator, there is no better example than William Lane Craig. In A Reasonable
Response, budding apologists will find not only a rich resource of scholarly content but
wisdom and insight for engaging others with gentleness and respect.
— B rian Auten, founder of Apologetics315.com and director of Reasonable
Faith Belfast
A Reasonable Response is God’s gift to Christendom. We not only benefit from Dr. Craig’s
cogent and insightful answers to tough perennial questions, but we get a glimpse into what
really excites the heart of the author—one who is passionate and dedicated in reaching the
genuine seeker through the defense of the truth claims of Christianity. His example is one
to emulate. This is a must-read.
—Harry Edwards, founder and director, Apologetics.com
Christians today have access to tremendous informational resources for defending the faith
—but information by itself is not enough. Apologetics is relational; questions and objections
come from real people, whether they are family, friends, coworkers, or even strangers on the
Internet. A Reasonable Response provides a valuable resource for Christians who seek both to
have good answers to questions, and to share those answers in a way that will be genuinely
respectful and helpful. The question-and-answer format makes A Reasonable Response a
handy reference guide while also modeling how to graciously answer questions. A further
benefit of this book is the extensive introduction, conclusion, and appendixes that explore
crucial ideas about apologetics dialogue as a ministry.
— Dr. Holl y Ordway, chair of the department of apologetics, Houston
Baptist University
2 ratings
Ray Mills
Richard C. Hammond, Jr.