Products>Conversations with Jehovah's Witnesses: A Friendly Approach to Sharing the Truth About God and the Bible

Conversations with Jehovah's Witnesses: A Friendly Approach to Sharing the Truth About God and the Bible


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An unfamiliar car parks near your house, and two pleasant-looking folks approach your front door. The doorbell rings, and after exchanging pleasantries, your unexpected guests offer you some literature from the Watchtower Society.

What will you say? What should you say? Should you engage your visitors in conversation at all? And if so, how?

Trusted Bible teacher Ron Rhodes guides you through several realistic dialogues with Jehovah’s Witnesses, demonstrating helpful techniques for listening, asking questions, avoiding offense, and more. He includes the information you need to address the big issues, including the New World Translation of the Bible, the divine name, the Trinity, salvation, and the afterlife.

With this practical, kindhearted, and easy-to-understand resource, you can actually enjoy discussions about your faith when Jehovah’s Witnesses come to call, and you can lovingly guide them to the truth about Jesus Christ.

Top Highlights

“challenge the credibility of the Watchtower Society and (2) to present the truth about at least one major doctrine.” (source)

“A fiercely argumentative attitude is not conducive to the humble reception of truth” (source)

“Our goal is to help them become truly informed about Watchtower theology” (source)

“how many true Gods there are, according to John 17:3” (source)

Product Details

  • Title : Conversations with Jehovah's Witnesses: A Friendly Approach to Sharing the Truth About God and the Bible
  • Author: Rhodes, Ron
  • Publisher: Harvest House Publishers
  • Publication Date: 2014
  • ISBN: 9780736951432


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