“This thought from Dallas Willard changed how I began to see everything: ‘Jesus teaches you to live your life as He would live your life.’1 What an amazing possibility!” (source)
“Jesus didn’t come just to die for your sins. He came to teach you how to live a full, earthy, gritty, and marvelous life.” (source)
“Because God is in His nature both perfect in love and perfect in justice, He needed a way to remove sin from humanity so that humans could be back in relationship with Him. The only payment, or what we call ‘atonement,’ for sin is someone without sin dying in the place of those who do sin. The only option therefore was God’s sinless Son in place of us, sinful humanity.” (source)
“Incarnational living isn’t about trying to deny our humanness and appear godly. It is about humbly walking among our friends and letting them see how God is changing our humanness.” (source)
“God designed us to be transformed primarily inside a community. There is no such thing as a personal relationship with God. Although you are a person and can relate with God without anyone around, you are not designed to grow by yourself. God inspired every word of the New Testament to point to a community of Christ followers whom He was intending to include in His mission.” (source)