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Streams in the Desert

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Streams in the Desert is a beautiful, heart-felt devotional with 366 daily readings of prayerful meditations. L. B. Cowman, a missionary to Japan and China, has filled this enduring classic with insight into the richness of God’s provision and the purpose of His plan. Inspired by her experience as a missionary with her husband and as his caretaker when his poor health impaired him, this devotional will be of particular significance to those facing physical and/or spiritual suffering and trials. Through prose and poetry, Cowman reveals the trials, disappointments and detours she and her husband confronted as they served the Lord, making Streams in the Desert both firmly rooted in Scripture and personal experience.

Few books ever attain such a widespread recognition and perennial appeal as Streams in the Desert. Now over seventy years since its first publication, this marvelous devotional by Mrs. Charles E. Cowman has established itself firmly in the ranks of the Christian classics. Written from Mrs. Cowman's rich experiences with life, from its dry wastelands to its well-watered gardens, Streams in the Desert is a legacy of faith and wisdom that is time-tested faithfully to the One who alone can slake their spiritual thirst. In the midst of today's fast-paced world, the wisdom of Streams in the Desert remains refreshing, relevant and trustworthy. Turn to it daily, tune out the clamor of living, and let these prayerful writings inspire fresh hope, confidence, and a deep awareness of God's presence in your life.

Top Highlights

“God does not comfort us to make us comfortable, but to make us comforters.Dr. Jowett.” (Page 12)

“‘Jesus Christ is no security against storms, but He is perfect security in storms. He has never promised you an easy passage, only a safe landing.’” (Page 101)

“Pray until the thing you pray for has actually been granted, or until you have the assurance in your heart that it will be.” (Page 139)

“Unbelief sees God through circumstances, as we sometimes see the sun shorn of his rays through smoky air; but faith puts God between itself and circumstances, and looks at them through Him.” (Page 205)

“Never turn God’s facts into hopes, or prayers, but simply use them as realities, and you will find them powerful as you believe them.” (Page 230)

  • Title: Streams in the Desert
  • Author: Lettie B. Cowman
  • Publisher: Oriental Missionary Society
  • Print Publication Date: 1925
  • Logos Release Date: 2008
  • Era: era:modern
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Logos Research Edition
  • Subjects: Devotional calendars; Devotional exercises
  • Resource ID: LLS:STRMSDSRT
  • Resource Type: Calendar Devotional
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2024-09-24T16:41:09Z


11 ratings

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  1. Forrest Cole

    Forrest Cole


  2. Melvin



  3. Hongyol Jung

    Hongyol Jung


    I love this book, It is so much deep and spiritual.
  4. Daniel Welch

    Daniel Welch


  5. Sion Alford

    Sion Alford


  6. Donald Bollinger
  7. Myke Harbuck

    Myke Harbuck


    I love love love this! Please come out with the newly updated version, the one with morning and evening, with NIV or ESV (???) Bible readings. That would be wonderful, as this is probably the best devotional I have ever read. Also, I generally do not like poetry, but I love these! The poems included in this devotional are powerful and are all tied to the daily reading and devotional so brilliantly!
  8. Kiyah



  9. Henry Lara

    Henry Lara


  10. Shawn Christopher Thornton


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