This bold retelling of Luke 1–2, based on Eugene Peterson’s
Message translation, reads like a novel and invites readers to
experience the Nativity with fresh wonder.
To Eugene Peterson’s The Message Bible translation, John
Blase adds his own storytelling voice, exploring the familiar
events from multiple first-person viewpoints. What emerges is the
intimate story of unlikely people—a frightened teenaged girl, a
worried carpenter, a collection of senior citizens, a disillusioned
young shepherd—meeting up with the divine as they bumble and
stumble toward the realization that the little one just born is the
This retold story of Word made flesh invites readers to react
appropriately—with eyes opened wide in wonder, jaws dropped in
amazement, and hearts rejoicing. The beautiful design and Amanda
Jolman’s lively line drawings make this book a fitting gift as well
as a Christmas tradition that families will treasure for years to