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Graffiti: Learning to See the Art in Ourselves

ISBN: 9781575673936


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Our culture is driven by a concept of beauty that negatively impacts adolescent girls. The Scriptures are full of assurances regarding our identity in Christ, inherent worth to the Creator, and the secrets to tapping into the source of true and lasting beauty, yet girls and young women continue to struggle with their focus on outer beauty. In Graffiti: Learning to See the Art in Ourselves, Erin Davis applies the language of God's Word on identity, beauty, and worth to the life of a contemporary young woman. In fact, women who have never adequately dealt with this issue will find themselves reviewing their youth, and redirecting their spiritual eyes.

From the Back Cover


It's no secret that girls struggle with feeling gross, fat, skinny, tall, short, or inadequate, thanks to distorted ideas of what beauty really is.  The media is no help, with its airbrushed and enhanced images of models and movie stars.

The answer isn't dieting or new clothes or surgery.  The answer is found in the Word of God.

Author Erin Davis, who has struggled plenty with her own body image, takes young women on a journey of discovery and love to a new image of themselves as daughters of God.

She addresses issues such as how we talk to ourselves, truths about our bodies, redefining flaws, disordered eating, and true inward beauty in this honest and thought-provoking book.  Journal prompts help readers dig deeper into each chapter.

Young women will come to a deeper understanding of physical and spiritual beauty as they look in the mirror through God's eyes.


Erin Answers: Why Graffiti? /8

-1. What I See in the Mirror:
Insight into the Heart of My Struggle /10

-2. The History of Beauty:
Who Can Keep Up? /16

-3. Walking on Broken Glass:
Why What You Think Affects How You Live /26

-4. Laying the Foundation:
Three Truths about the Body /40

-5. Where Do These Feelings Come From?
How Do We Develop a Sense of Worth? /52

-6. Mixed Messages:
Sifting Through the Glossy Print /64

-7. Imperfect?
Join the Crowd: Born to be Flawed /78

-8. But Why Can't I Look Like She Does?
Strategies for Winning the Comparison Game /90

-9. The Trouble with Body Image:
Altered Perspectives and Fun House Mirrors /100

-10. Disordered Eating:
Finding Balance /112

-11. Taking Aim at Your Enemy:
Exploring the Spiritual Side of Our Physical Struggle /124

-12. God's View of Beauty:
Finding Hope in the Word /138

-13. Royalty:
The King Is Enthralled by Your Beauty /150

-Epilogue: Glancing in the Rearview Mirror /162

-Notes /164

Erin has an uncommon grasp on what goes on in our minds as girls. She knows that the messages this world sends us about beauty create a battlefield in our minds. Consider this book standard issue armor! You need it to survive.

Product Details

  • Title : Graffiti: Learning to See the Art in Ourselves
  • Author: Davis, Erin
  • Publisher: Moody Publishers
  • Publication Date: 2008
  • ISBN: 9781575673936
ERIN DAVIS is a writer and teacher passionately committed to getting women of all ages to the deep well of God's Word. She is the author of more than a dozen books and Bible studies, including Connected, Beyond Bath Time, and 7 Feasts. Erin serves as content manager for Revive Our Hearts and hosts the Women of the Bible podcast and Grounded videocast. Hear her teach on The Deep Well with Erin Davis podcast. When she's not writing, you can find Erin chasing chickens and children on her small farm in the Midwest.


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