There was a special meeting at the Second Presbyterian Church in Cleveland. A fiery businessman turned evangelist had been invited to speak. He was mostly unpolished and a self-educated man but he had a dynamic message.His name was Dwight Lyman Moody."Now, I want ya to know," Moody said loudly, "I like to think big things for God! Do you?" He paused to let his words sink in."And what about you?" "That's right. What about you? Do you ever think big things for God? Huh?"Moody continued. "The reason I like to think big things for God is that He deserves it. Now, whether it's evangelism, or your work, or your money. Whatever it is, you ought to think of big ways you can be used for God. Now let me tell you 'bout this feller I met in Ireland.""That feller I met in Ireland was Henry Varley. Lemme tell you what he told me. Varley sez t'me, The world has yet to see what God can do with and for and through and in a man who is fully and wholly consecrated to Him.'"~~~~~~~~~~~Father God, Harry prayed silently, these have been Your words to me. I can see that you can use me. Mr. Moody said I don't have to be an educated man, or brilliant, or anything. Just a man. Lord, by Your grace and with the help of the Holy Spirit, I'll be that man.