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The Bare Facts: 39 Questions Your Parents Hope You Never Ask About Sex


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Sex is everywhere. And misunderstandings about it are even more pervasive.

Whether you have questions of your own and don’t know who to ask, or you are being asked questions and don’t know where to turn—this small book has the answers.

Bestselling author and speaker, Josh McDowell believes that no question is off limits and that knowledge, not ignorance, is the key to youthful purity and a fulfilling marriage and family. This book builds on that approach with relevant, pertinent statistics, entertaining anecdotes, and real stories.

This little book will be a very practical tool in the hands of anyone who is struggling, anyone who is curious, anyone who is nervous about asking a "dumb question," and most importantly, anyone who desires to learn how to honor God with his or her body. The Bible is clear on a lot of these issues and Josh's candor (and respect for young people) shines through as he shares these truths about sex.

Much like Josh's apologetics books, this book will help equip a skeptical generation with the facts they are sorely missing.

From the Back Cover

Your Questions … About Sex … Answered.

The word “sex” receives more than four billion Google searches every year, making it one of the most searched words of all time. Teenagers make up the largest segment of Internet users. This reveals two things:

1. When it comes to sex, you have questions.

2. You’ll find answers, but maybe not helpful ones.

Written in an honest and conversational style, The Bare Facts delivers direct answers to questions like:

  • Aren’t my hormones too strong? Isn’t it unrealistic to wait?
  • How far is too far?
  • How will pornography affect my sex life?
  • How can I be and feel forgiven?

Includes group discussion questions and access to online teaching outlines.

About Josh

Since beginning his ministry, Josh has delivered more than 24,000 talks to over ten million young people in 118 countries. Over 51 million of his books have been distributed worldwide, including More Than a Carpenter and The New Evidence That Demands a Verdict. Josh continues to travel throughout the United States and around the world helping young people and adults strengthen their faith and understanding of Scripture.

1. Introduction
2. Isn’t abstinence a religious term?
3. Why is God and the Bible so negative about sex?
4. Why did God even create sex?
5. What does “purity” mean?
6. How do you define “love”?
7. What does it mean when you say, “God is Love”?
8. What is a person’s most powerful sex organ?
9. Can sex affect or change your brain?
10. Can sex keep a bad relationship going?
11. Can memory affect your sex life? Can your sex life affect your memory?
12. Is there a “Good Feeling” hormone?
13. Does our mind have a “central control” center?
14. Hasn’t modern medicine pretty much eliminated STD’s and infections?
15. What is the most common STD?
16 How prevalent is HPV among university women?
17. Do women get more STDs than men?
18. Is it true that young people get more STDs than any other group?
19. Won’t condoms reduce the risk of getting an STD?
20. Even though neither of us have symptoms, can we still have an STD?
21. Can’t you get a shot or take an antibiotic if you get an STD?
22. Is it difficult to get an STD?
23. Can STDs be linked to serious illnesses like cancer?
24. Can you get an STD if you are on the Pill?
25. How can I avoid getting an STD?
26. Is there any relationship between premarital sex and mental health?
27. Is it okay to have anal sex?
28. Is oral sex really sex?
29. Isn’t oral sex safer?
30. Can I do oral sex and still keep my virginity?
31. Isn’t it safe sex if we use condoms?
32. Isn’t sex a “private act” between 2 individuals?
33. When do you stop enjoying sex?
34. Isn’t it better to live together first?
35. Isn’t premarital sex really great preparation for good sex in marriage?
36. Sex is so beautiful, so it must be right?
37. Aren’t my hormones too strong? Isn’t it unrealistic to wait?
38. I’m not a virgin…is it too late for me?
39. Is sexting wrong? You’re not hurting anyone. It’s innocent fun!
40. How can I be and feel forgiven?
41. How can I know the person loves me?
42. How do you know God’s will?
43. How do I say “No”?
44. How far is “too far”? Come-Ons & Come Backs
45. Summary

Product Details

  • Title : The Bare Facts: 39 Questions Your Parents Hope You Never Ask About Sex
  • Authors:
    • McDowell, Josh
    • Davis, Erin
  • Publisher: Moody Publishers
  • Publication Date: 2011
  • ISBN: 9780802478382
JOSH MCDOWELL As a young man, Josh McDowell considered himself an agnostic. He truly believed that Christianity was worthless. However, when challenged to intellectually examine the claims of Christianity, Josh discovered compelling, overwhelming evidence for the reliability of the Christian faith. In 1961 Josh joined the staff of Campus Crusade for Christ International. Not long after, he started the Josh McDowell Ministry to reach young people worldwide with the truth and love of Jesus.


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