What would happen if we actually lived our faith to its full potential? Not defined it, not discussed it, not preached it to others, but actually practiced it with simplicity and consistency each day of our lives? Imagine the impact we could have on those around us if, with God as our source, we would radiate his love, optimism, and grace in all our circumstances and relationships. Today Christians are often seen as negative and judgmental. That is not the character of Jesus! Our Lord has called us to lives of incredible potential filled with challenges worthy of his name—lives of passion, risk, growth, heart, depth, and deeds big and small, all designed to display what God’s kingdom is really about to a watching world. That is what faith is about. It is the faith Dick Capen invites us to reach for—a faith not for superstars but for ordinary people. Capen offers a “faith lift” that will change how you view your life, how you live it, and how it impacts others as you go about being who you were created to be.