Best-selling Christian booklet Islam and Christianity compares basic teachings of Christians and Muslims on eight topics and helps Christians understand the differences and explain their faith.
Islam and Christianity Comparison Chart shows Christian and Muslim Beliefs on These 8 Key Topics:
Islam and Christianity Features a Handy Comparison Chart that Helps Christians Explain Their Faith with Cultural Sensitivity:
With this knowledge, you can have better discussions with Muslim friends and coworkers without offending them.
Islam and Christianity is an excellent tool for pastors, teachers and others who are interested in discovering the beliefs that Christians and Muslims have in common and those that are different. This tool will help pastors and leaders equip missions-minded believers to avoid common witnessing mistakes and to be more sensitive about sharing their faith with Muslims. Discover what Muslims have been taught about Christianity and how to answer their questions and concerns.
Table of Contents: The Islam & Christianity Pamphlet
Fascinating facts about Islam and Christianity
Do’s and Don’ts from Islam and Christianity
“Behind these horrors is a deeper spiritual war and a vindictive enemy, namely Satan. Christians and Muslims should not lose sight of Satan, the ‘enemy of souls.’ By recognizing the common enemy, Christians can create a context in which they can build relationships with Muslims.” (source)
“the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls confirmed the reliability of the Bible” (source)
“In the Quran he reveals his will for mankind to obey, not his person for mankind to relate with and know.” (source)
“Most Muslim scholars and leaders reject the terrorists’ definitions of jihad and martyrdom.” (source)
“Islam limits a man to four wives and requires equal treatment for each” (source)