“It is right to be aware of our inadequacy, but we mustn’t stop there. We must also be convinced of the absolute sufficiency of God. That’s God’s next step in dealing with Moses.” (source)
“So when God calls you to a task, let neither a sense of inadequacy or a ‘poor background’ hinder you from following His lead. ‘For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose’ (Phil. 2:13).” (source)
“What did God mean when He revealed Himself as ‘I AM’? Then one day it hit me. God was saying, ‘Whatever you need, that’s what I am!’” (source)
“Leaders who are worth their salt and who will truly lead others spiritually must be people of the Word.” (source)
“When God finds a person who will place as his or her first priority a life of intimate, personal, dynamic fellowship with Him, He directs His power, guidance, and wisdom into and through that person. God has found a person through whom He can change the world.” (source)