Battle Ready is for any man who longs to serve God. Inside you'll explore the lives of men who made an impact in their world, including Joshua, who led the Israelites in to the Promised Land, and Caleb, who trusted God for victory in battle.
Uncover the traits of authentic manhood. Learn how to fully lean on Him and become a man God can use: a man who is battle ready!
“Notice that he is talking to himself instead of listening to himself. When we are panicked and fearful, we are listening to ourselves—listening to the killing worries and anxieties that fuel our negative imaginations like a windblown forest fire. The psalmist, however, attempting to fight off the fear that has become epidemic in his heart and mind, speaks to himself instead of listening to himself.” (source)
“God is the trump card of your life. It doesn’t matter what giant you may be facing—booze, porn, guilt, lying, cocaine, failure, invading armies, whatever—God trumps your giant. He will always trump the giants—every single one of them. But we can so quickly forget that He is there.” (source)
“When facing down a giant—any giant—your first and most important response is to think. Christianity is about facts. You don’t throw away your mind—you kick it into gear. This is where what you believe about God is extremely important. He claims to have all power, but if He doesn’t, it’s your funeral. He claims to be in absolute control, but if He’s not, then He can’t protect you and give you victory.” (source)
“The more you know God, the more you know that He has always existed, that He has all power, that He is everywhere, that He is good, that He never changes, and that He has all wisdom. Now that is a God who can be trusted. You see, the more you know who God is, the more sound you will be in faith and truth. And the more sound you are in faith and truth—watch this—the more He will use you!” (source)
“If you have a desire in your heart to be picked up and used by the living God in your life, you can’t expect to stroll through the sunshine and daisies for the rest of your years. If you really want a life of usefulness to God, you have to be ready to fight. You must be willing to take on the giants that come lumbering into your path to block your way and stop your progress.” (source)
Steve Farrar is the founder and chairman of Men's Leadership Ministries, an organization dedicated to equipping men for spiritual leadership. He is a frequent speaker at men's events and conferences across the country. He is a frequent speaker at men's events and conferences across the country. He is the best-selling author of God Built. Steve and his family reside in the Dallas, Texas area.