Churches in America are closing at an alarming rate. Dale
Sellers of 95Network believes this trend is largely due to
discouragement among small-church pastors. Many church leaders
begin ministry with dreams of making an eternal impact. But years
of striving, stress, and strain have left them feeling defeated,
disillusioned, and stalled.
Thankfully, there is hope that ministry can turn around for the
discouraged pastor. As a former minister who’s been in the
trenches, Sellers reveals that …
Foreword 11
Introduction 15
Section 1: Why Can’t I Get There? 21
The Look of the Past
Chapter 1: Unable 27
Chapter 2: Unaware 39
Chapter 3: Unfulfilled 57
Section 2: What Will I Find There? 81
The Look of the Present
Chapter 4: Traits 85
Chapter 5: Transition 103
Chapter 6: Transformation 113
Section 3: The Fulfillment of Living There 125
The Look of the Future
Chapter 7: True Freedom 127
Chapter 8: Thinking It Through 141
Chapter 9: The Sweet Spot 153
Chapter 10: The Handoff 163
Afterword 175
Acknowledgments 183
Notes 187
Dale Sellers is the executive director of 95Network, a
nonprofit ministry designed to help small to midsized churches
through content, conferences, coaching, and consulting. He travels
extensively leading 95Network’s one-day conferences as well as
serving as a facilitator for VisionDay. Dale and his wife, Gina,
live in South Carolina.