We hear and say short Christian clichés all the time, such as “Jesus was a social justice warrior,” “Just have faith,” and “It’s not my place to judge.” These trite statements often go unquestioned. Sometimes they even substitute for truth, leading to a fragile and shallow faith. But what if a close study of these clichés could lead us to deep biblical truth?
In Unquestioned Answers, Dr. Jeff Myers rethinks ten popular Christian clichés. Through an in-depth and fresh look, Myers shares insights into these overused statements to strengthen readers’ faith and encourage them to share Jesus with others. Walk with Myers on a path to biblical truth as he explores critical topics such as social justice, faith, sin, loving others, God’s goodness, prayer, and more.
“‘Just have faith,’ we say, meaning ‘Hang in there.’ Yet the Bible doesn’t tell us to ‘just have faith.’ It tells us to live out our faith. Biblical faith isn’t believing something so strongly that it moves from being untrue to being true. Biblical faith is not merely about the power of belief (though beliefs certainly have the power to harm or help us). Rather, biblical faith is a kind of knowledge that is worth acting on with eyes wide open, because it is based on good reasons.” (source)
“It was simply who I was.’4 Our gay friends don’t see same-sex relationships as sinful. Rather, they see them as part of their identity, just like the color of their skin or eyes or hair. Imagine saying to someone, ‘I love you, but I hate your height.’ Or ‘the size of your feet.’ Or ‘the shape of your face.’” (source)
“Action flows naturally from faith. You know you are faithful when your everyday actions prove what you say you believe. This is not to say that our works save us, but it is to say that faith works. James 2:18 says, ‘Someone will say, ‘You have faith and I have works.’ Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works.’ Faith is both ‘show’ and ‘tell.’” (source)
“Faith is not about being absolutely sure. It’s about holding rational beliefs and acting on what you know so far, allowing God to guide you (Ps. 119:105; Prov. 3:5–6).” (source)
“The Bible follows a deeper logic than people can attain if they cling to the belief that only the natural world exists.” (source)
Jeff Myers, PhD, has become one of America’s most respected authorities on Christian worldview, apologetics, and leadership development. He is the author of several books and president of Summit Ministries. Jeff and his family live in Colorado.
For over fifty years, Summit Ministries has trained tens of thousands of Christians to confidently understand how their faith impacts all areas of their life. Find out more at summit.org.