The president of Southern Seminary reveals how secularism has infiltrated every aspect of society and how Christians, equipped with the gospel of Jesus Christ, can meet it head on with hope, confidence, and steadfast conviction.
A Storm Is Coming
Western civilization and the Christian church stand at a moment of great danger. Facing them both is a hurricane-force battle of ideas that will determine the future of Western civilization and the soul of the Christian church. The forces arrayed against the West and the church are destructive ideologies, policies, and worldviews deeply established among intellectual elites, the political class, and our schools. More menacingly, these forces have also invaded the Christian church.
The perils faced by the West and the church are unprecedented:
How should Christians respond to this multifaceted challenge?
Addressing each dimension of this challenge, The Gathering Storm provides answers and equips Christians both to give an answer for the hope that is within them and to contend for the faith that was once and for all delivered to the saints.
“We are not merely opposed to same-sex marriage because we believe it to be contrary to Scripture; we believe that anything opposed to Scripture cannot lead to human flourishing.” (source)
“the desire for sex is from God to drive us toward holiness in marriage.” (source)
“When Christians promote the biblical vision of sex under the covenant, they cast a brilliant light in the midst of this secular storm, which demands an unprecedented erotic liberty that will only ravage Western civilization. Christians can help society recapture the God-ordained glory of biblical sexuality by protecting the marriage bed and exuding sexual purity. Christian parents must instill in their children the biblical vision of sex as a gift properly enjoyed only in marriage. By holding fast to the biblical ethic regarding sex, Christians reveal the true splendor and glory of marriage.” (source)
“If you trace the trajectory of the sexual revolution, rampant, no-fault divorce preceded same-sex marriage. When divorce reigned as the new normal for marriages, it redefined the institution as a covenant amounting to a public commitment for a lifetime. Once the society remade marriage into a morally irrelevant, non-binding commitment, it was just a short jump to same-sex marriage. If a culture can dismiss the covenant of marriage, it can dismiss every other binding, biblical, and indeed, glorious commitment, which made marriage a beautiful, God-glorifying reality.” (source)
“Contraception, however, severed the union between sex and procreation, giving rise not only to a pandemic of sexual intercourse outside the boundaries of marriage but also to the reimagining of human sexuality and gender. For the sexual revolutionaries, contraception liberated humanity from the oppressive chains of the biblical worldview and morality, which guided much of Western civilization for centuries.” (source)