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Unfaithful: Hope and Healing After Infidelity


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Statistics show that one in every four marriages is impacted by infidelity. So the odds are pretty good that you or someone you know has experienced the searing pain of marital infidelity. But adultery is not an automatic death sentence for your marriage. You can trust again. You can restore intimacy. You can have a relationship that you will both cherish for a lifetime.

Ten years ago, Gary and Mona Shriver experienced the devastation caused by adultery, and in the course of trying to save themselves, they wrote this book. Raw, transparently honest, the Shrivers’ story alone is an inspiration, offering hope and practical strategies for healing. Now this updated and revised edition adds other real-life stories of betrayal and forgiveness, and new information defining adultery, including the destruction of emotional affairs. Some doubt if a marriage can truly heal after the ravages of infidelity. Unfaithful proves you can. It’s not easy . . . but it can be done. Is it worth it? Yes. And you hold the first step—and hope—in your hand.

Top Highlights

“if we really wanted to heal, we would need to identify those problems and deal with them together, in a healthy way.” (source)

“Lastly, commit to your spouse. Commit that you will do everything you can to establish an environment for healing” (source)

“dying. I am broken and bleeding just as surely as if someone shot me with a gun. I’m not going to make” (source)

“counselor went on to explain that Gary’s choosing adultery was his way of dealing with our problems” (source)

“one of the biggest hurts experienced by the spouse is the deception” (source)

Product Details

  • Title : Unfaithful: Hope and Healing After Infidelity
  • Authors:
    • Shriver, Gary
    • Shriver, Mona
  • Publisher: David C Cook
  • Publication Date: 2009
  • ISBN: 9780781404402
After going through therapy to save their marriage from a devastating infidelity, Gary and Mona Shriver cofounded Hope and Healing Ministries, Inc., an adultery recovery peer support ministry, when they found no other couple who could offer them tangible hope that they could heal. They are members of the Association of Marriage and Family Ministries (AMFM) and participate in their focus group for Reconciling Troubled Marriages. The Shrivers are also members of the Stanislaus County Healthy Marriage Coalition in California. They have shared their story of hope many times on The 700 Club, Focus on the Family, and RBC’s Words to Live By. Gary, who owns an audio and video production facility, and Mona, a former nurse active in women’s ministries, have been married thirty-three years and have three grown sons. They reside in Turlock, California.  


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