Products>Exposing the Spiritual Roots of Disease: Powerful Answers to Your Questions About Healing and Disease Prevention

Exposing the Spiritual Roots of Disease: Powerful Answers to Your Questions About Healing and Disease Prevention

ISBN: 9781641233347


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In Exposing the Spiritual Roots of Disease, Dr. Henry Wright presents a thoroughly biblical and compelling case for healing. If you think you’ve read all you need to know about healing, it’s time to take another look. In this updated edition with expanded material, Dr. Wright clearly shows that disease is not a random occurrence and that science and medicine have their place in dealing with illness but can only offer disease management. What if the answers to true healing and freedom have been in the Bible all along?

Dr. Wright spent decades learning the spiritual roots of disease and blocks to healing. In his journey, he discovered that there is a spiritual root issue in about 80 percent of all diseases, which is a direct result of a breakdown in our relationship with God, ourselves, or others. Through his groundbreaking teachings, he helped hundreds of thousands to experience wholeness in their lives. If you have recently received a diagnosis or have been struggling with your health for years, there is hope and healing ahead.

“Dr. Henry Wright destroys the lie that we are helpless victims of diseases…. This book is long overdue and is essential reading for any Christian struggling with sickness and for those who seek to minister to them.” —Dr. Rebecca Williams, MA, MB ChB, DRCOG, DCH, DTM&H

“Dr. Wright uses a solid scriptural base to reveal the roots of disease and give clear guidance on how we can be free in spirit, soul, and body!” —Sheila Pitcock, LVN

“In his new book, Exposing the Spiritual Roots of Disease, Dr. Henry Wright states, ‘You should be a thriver! While the world might be struggling in disease and hopelessness, you should be a happy, well-balanced, and enthusiastic son or daughter of God.’ To accomplish this, you must realize that we are engaged in a spiritual war with Satan that requires the use of knowledge in order to defeat the enemy.

“This book will change the way you think and act because it reveals a journey of healing that occurs from the inside out—understanding the spiritual roots of many diseases, utilizing the knowledge of biblical truth, and relying on God’s Word as the lamp for your journey in life. Dr. Wright lays out this journey in a logical, pragmatic manner, reinforced with Scripture, real-life examples, and Christian solutions. Regardless of where you are in your journey, or the knowledge that you currently possess, this is a must-read book!”
—Dr. Michael Costello

“Why are Christians experiencing the same disease rate as non-Christians? Why does prayer not heal everyone? Where does disease come from, and how can we live the life of freedom that God has planned for us? These are questions that Dr. Henry Wright addresses in Exposing The Spiritual Roots of Disease. When even the most trusted medical textbooks include 'unknown etiology' (cause) for many diseases, where do we go for answers? In this book, Dr. Henry uses a solid scriptural base to reveal the roots of disease and give clear guidance on how we can be set free in spirit, soul, and body!”
—Sheila Pitcock, LVN

“I have followed Dr. Wright’s ministry for three years and it has been life-changing. With his second book, Exposing the Spiritual Roots of Disease, he is able to answer the questions that mankind has been searching for since the days of the ancient Egyptians. We always want to get to the bottom of things—‘Get to the root,’ we say—but no one until now has done that when it comes to sickness and disease. The medical field does not understand the connection between spirit, soul, and body; consequently, they are of little help. But now we have the answers! This complex subject is made simple by Dr. Wright’s easy-to-read book, which gives people hope where there has not been hope before! A must-read!”
—Rev. Dr. S. R. Watkins, BBA, ThB, DPM, PhD
Author, Biblical Economics 101

“In Exposing the Spiritual Roots of Disease, Dr. Henry Wright pulls back the curtain and explains—with science and Scripture—why we get sick. Then, he gives you real tools from Scripture to prevent you from becoming sick in the first place. Thousands of people have gotten their lives back as a result of this teaching—and now you can too. Read this book and apply what you read. Then, prepare to be amazed by the results.”
—Robert McFarland
President, Transformational Impact LLC
Best-selling author, Dear Boss: What Your Employees Wish You Knew and Dear Employee: What Your Boss Wishes You Knew


“Here’s your wake-up call, church! Have you ever wondered why God’s people are as sick as the world and dying of the same diseases as unbelievers? In Exposing the Spiritual Roots of Disease, Dr. Henry Wright has sounded the alarm for believers to shift their focus from healing to disease prevention! It is truly God’s heart for us that we would never need healing. The Scriptures and insights that Dr. Wright shares in this work are a compilation of thirty-plus years of biblical study and personal observation while caring for the flock as a pastor. Exposing the Spiritual Roots of Disease is just what the doctor ordered to adjust our spiritual misalignments and restore proper body alignment under the Head, which is Christ Jesus, so we can be healed, remain whole, and be in health.”
—Pastor Travis Wortham, DC, BS

“Henry Wright has done research over a long period of time and gives answers to questions about diseases and their spiritual roots. In my profession as a therapist for people who are addicted and people with psychiatric problems, I need answers as to how to be able to help them—not just managing the disease, but really giving solutions. I am deeply grateful for this revelation.”
—Frans Izeboud
Addictions therapist

"In Exposing the Spiritual Roots of Disease, Dr. Henry Wright destroys the lie that we are helpless victims of diseases that afflict us randomly, and empowers us to take responsibility for our health in partnership with the Holy Spirit. As a general medical practitioner, I fully endorse the notion that as triune beings, we can only truly be healthy when we are whole in spirit, soul, and body. This book is long overdue and is essential reading for any Christian struggling with sickness and for those who seek to minister to them."
—Dr. Rebecca Williams, MA, MB ChB, DRCOG, DCH, DTM&H

Product Details

  • Title : Exposing the Spiritual Roots of Disease: Powerful Answers to Your Questions About Healing and Disease Prevention
  • Author: Wright, Henry W.
  • Publisher: Whitaker House
  • Publication Date: 2019
  • ISBN: 9781641233347

Dr. Henry W. Wright (1944–2019) was the senior pastor of Hope of the Generations Church in Thomaston, Georgia, and the president and founder of Be in Health Global. Be in Health is a ministry that teaches on the spiritual roots of disease and blocks to healing, and hosts the world-renowned For My Life Retreat. Wright presented conferences worldwide and across broad denominational lines for over twenty-five years. Recognized for his understanding of disease from a spiritual perspective, he was a frequent guest on many well-known television and radio programs. Wright was exposed to the power of God’s healing at an early age when his mother was miraculously cured of terminal cancer and a fatal tumor that was wrapped around her jugular vein. Paralyzed and dying, she was carried to a church service where she cried out to God for healing so that she could raise her son. She repented of bitterness and made a Hannah-type covenant that she would raise him in the knowledge of God if He would heal her. God healed her instantly and completely, breaking a genetic pattern of cancer that had been present in her family for generations. Wright was committed to the belief that human problems are fundamentally spiritual, with associated physical and psychological manifestations. With his insights into the medical as well as the spiritual aspects of disease, he brought a fresh perspective to the process of ministering to the sick. He applied these principles successfully in bringing God’s healing to people with a broad range of diseases, many of which were considered incurable. Under the leadership of his wife, Pastor Donna Wright, and the elders of Hope of the Generations Church, Be in Health continues to carry on Dr. Wright's vision and ministry.


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