Get ready for revival and transformation!
Following up on his book, The Call: An Invitation to Revival and Transformation, Matthew Romano delves deeper into spiritual growth through this complimentary study guide. Formatted for small groups and individual study, The Call: A Study Guide to Revival and Transformation opens unique dialogues and asks hard questions. All nineteen lessons are designed for the student of the Word of God to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (2 Pt 3:18).
The Call: A Study Guide to Revival and Transformation provides Scripture readings, short commentaries, questions to reflect and discuss, and focused prayer related to each lesson topic. Regardless of where you are in your walk with the Lord, this study guide can be easily understood by those who have never read the Bible, and yet, will challenge the seasoned warrior of Christ.
The Bible says that in the last days there will be many falling away from the faith. Even the elect would be deceived if that were possible. Perhaps more than ever the body of Christ needs to study to show themselves approved!