“Jesus meant for His Sermon to be viewed as the way to live as the people of God, not the way to become the people of God” (source)
“What if Jesus was announcing blessing on these people not because of their state but in spite of it?” (source)
“Since we’ve become the lucky ones, we must become carriers of this blessing to others who are unlikely and unlucky in our day.” (source)
“surrender, to live in a different way. God is rescuing and redeeming the world” (source)
“God has come to you in the midst of your mess and mistakes.” (source)
Glenn Packiam is executive pastor at New Life Church, where he oversees spiritual formation and serves as the teaching pastor for NewLifeSundayNight. Glenn is also the writer of several well-known worship songs including "Your Name" and "My Savior Lives." He is the author of Secondhand Jesus: Trading Rumors of God for a Firsthand Faith and Butterfly in Brazil: How Your Life Can Make a World of Difference. Glenn and his family live in Colorado Springs, Colorado.