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Jesus: Why the World Is Still Fascinated by Him

ISBN: 9781434700384


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Jesus. Love Him or hate Him, He's everywhere. On our t-shirts, bumper stickers, and even on the covers of leading news magazines, year after year. We see Him on the silver screen, in the headline crawl on the TV news, and on the homemade signs held up at ball games. Hotly debated, He remains the most conspicuous figure of all time, even twenty decades after His inglorious death.

Best-selling author Tim LaHaye, together with coauthor David Minasian, looks back through history and peers into the prophetic future to show us why the world's "Jesus Fascination" should come as no surprise. After reading about Jesus' life, legacy, and pervasive influence, you may find yourself connecting the dots of your own spiritual journey and answering the timeless question that came from the lips of Jesus Himself: Who do you say that I am?

Top Highlights

“The one common denominator in all of these theories is the foundational assumption that the original texts are inaccurate. The overriding supposition is that today’s elitist ‘scholars,’ who have a built-in bias against Jesus and the precision of the Scriptures, are somehow better equipped to comment on the events of two thousand years ago than the eyewitnesses who were actually there.” (source)

“Gnostic texts, on the other hand, would not come into being until the second century, although those who promote them today have tried their best to argue for earlier dates for these manuscripts.14 The reason is because the closer the creation of a manuscript is to the event it discusses, the more weight it carries.” (source)

“especially those considered to be social outcasts:” (source)

“Whoever heard of anyone smashing their thumb with a hammer and yelling out the name of Aristotle, or Kierkegaard, or Nietzsche? When we watch today’s movies, why aren’t the names of Buddha, or Muhammad, or the Reverend Moon cursed by our favorite actors? Why is it always Jesus or God? It’s interesting to note that even within the realm of cursing, Jesus remains unique.” (source)

“There is no question that there are literally thousands of ex-homosexuals today living regular lives, many with a wife and children, because of their belief in Jesus Christ. In fact, there is an organization called Exit Ministries in every state in America that is helping homosexuals to leave that lifestyle.” (source)

Product Details

  • Title : Jesus: Why the World Is Still Fascinated by Him
  • Author: LaHaye, Tim
  • Publisher: David C Cook
  • Publication Date: 2010
  • ISBN: 9781434700384
Author, speaker, and minister Dr. Tim LaHaye has written or coauthored more than sixty books, including the New York Times best-selling Left Behind series. A pastor for thirty-nine years, there's nothing Dr. LaHaye likes to talk about more than Jesus. Dr. LaHaye and his wife, Beverly, reside in Southern California. You can learn more about Dr. LaHaye and his work at


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