Products>Otherness and Ethics: An Ethical Discourse of Levinas and Confucius (Kongzi)

Otherness and Ethics: An Ethical Discourse of Levinas and Confucius (Kongzi)

ISBN: 9781532647659


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Otherness and Ethics demonstrates how Levinas and Confucius (Kongzi) develop their ideas of otherness and ethics. Most of all, the meaning of inter-subjectivity is examined in order to employ this point as this book delves into the phenomenon of face in Levinas and the significance of ren (human-relatedness) in Confucius (Kongzi). In addition, this book searches their different notions of humanity and relatedness to have a creative discourse for developing the concept of ethics of otherness as it concentrates on the formulation of ethical narratives in Levinas and Confucius (Kongzi). Thus, this book can open a possibility of building of ethics of otherness through reviewing ethical foundations of Levinas and Confucius (Kongzi) and discussing the meaning of otherness.

“At a time when our world struggles with cultural and personal differences, Seong offers a brilliant read of Levinas and Kongzi to give insight into the ethics of otherness. Especially engaging is his analysis of ren—‘love to others through the awareness of otherness’—that is critical to Confucian morality in conversation with Levinas’ conception of response-ability. Readers will find this intricate work important to the fields of philosophy, ethics, and theology. Seong’s concise critique to Euro-American-centered cross-cultural approaches is a needed addition to ethical discourse.”

—Pamela Lightsey, Vice President of Meadville Lombard Theological School, Chicago

“At a time when our world struggles with cultural and personal differences, Seong offers a brilliant read of Levinas and Kongzi to give insight into the ethics of otherness. Especially engaging is his analysis of ren—‘love to others through the awareness of otherness’—that is critical to Confucian morality in conversation with Levinas’ conception of response-ability. Readers will find this intricate work important to the fields of philosophy, ethics, and theology. Seong’s concise critique to Euro-American-centered cross-cultural approaches is a needed addition to ethical discourse.”

—Pamela Lightsey, Vice President of Meadville Lombard Theological School, Chicago

Product Details

  • Title : Otherness and Ethics: An Ethical Discourse of Levinas and Confucius (Kongzi)
  • Author: Seong, ShinHyung
  • Publisher: Wipf and Stock
  • Publication Date: 2018
  • ISBN: 9781532647659

ShinHyung Seong is Assistant Professor of Soongsil University at Seoul, Korea. He is the author of Tillich and Levinas (2018) and the executive editor of Korean Christian Social Ethics, an academic journal in Korea.


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