“The incarnation was not so much a subtraction as it was an addition; the eternal second person of the Trinity took on Himself a human nature and joined His divine nature to that human nature for the purpose of redemption.” (source)
“Rather, the Father, Son, and Spirit made an eternal agreement that is known as the covenant of redemption. Under this covenant, the Father sent the Son, and the Son was absolutely delighted to carry out the mission the Father gave Him.” (source)
“the covenant of redemption was a pact forged in eternity among the three persons of the Godhead.” (source)
“It is called the Kenotic Hymn because of a prominent Greek word that is found within this passage, kenosis, which literally means ‘an emptying.’ The image of emptying gives us an idea of the transition Jesus underwent by leaving His exalted state in heaven and becoming incarnate as a man in this world.” (source)
“willing to lay it aside. He was willing to empty Himself and make Himself ‘of no reputation’ (v. 7a).” (source)