Products>A Shelter in the Time of Storm: Meditations on God and Trouble

A Shelter in the Time of Storm: Meditations on God and Trouble

, 2009
ISBN: 9781433523281


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Fifty-two meditations on Psalm 27 instruct and encourage believers to worship God through the ups and downs of life.

Psalm 27 is a psalm of trouble and worship, of difficulty and beauty, of the evil of people against people, and of the mercy of God. Because of its honesty about life in this fallen world, Psalm 27 speaks into the life of every believer. At the same time it places joyful and self-sacrificing worship right next to the trouble that is the psalm's background theme. This juxtaposition makes Psalm 27 unique, interesting, practical, challenging, and encouraging.

A Shelter in the Time of Storm takes readers through this roller-coaster-ride of a psalm in fifty-two brief and engaging meditations. These meditations are designed to fill hearts with a patient hope that grows stronger as the trouble-spotted days go by. Reflection questions at the end of the chapter make these meditations thought-provoking and practical.

Top Highlights

“So, I pray for the strength, protection, direction, and encouragement that can only be found when I am a student of the Lord. Morning after morning I bow my head and humbly pray, ‘Lord, please teach me your way.’” (source)

“Yet, there are two reasons that remain to pray this prayer: depth and danger” (source)

“Sin causes us to set up our own little kingdom of one, where our desire is the functional law of the land. And as little kings, we want to co-opt the people around us into the service of our kingdom purposes, and when they refuse or unwittingly get in the way of what we want, we rage against them. Sometimes it’s the quiet rage of bitterness. Sometimes it’s the vocal rage of angry and condemning words, and sometimes it’s the physical rage of actual acts of violence against another. This is what sin does to all of us.” (source)

“You are secure even though you are weak, imperfect, and shortsighted. You are secure for one reason and one reason alone: God exists and he is your Father. He will never leave your side. He will never fail to provide. He will make good on everything he has promised. And he has the power to do so. He is Lord.” (source)

“Let that divine report of the damage of sin on the human heart sink in, ‘that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time!’” (source)

Product Details

  • Title : A Shelter in the Time of Storm: Meditations on God and Trouble
  • Author: Tripp, Paul David
  • Publisher: Crossway
  • Publication Date: 2009
  • ISBN: 9781433523281

Paul David Tripp (DMin, Westminster Theological Seminary) is a pastor, an award-winning author, and an international conference speaker. He has written numerous books, including  Lead; Parenting; and the bestselling devotional  New Morning Mercies. His not-for-profit ministry exists to connect the transforming power of Jesus Christ to everyday life. Tripp lives in Philadelphia with his wife, Luella, and they have four grown children.


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