Products>Understanding and Loving a Person with Attention Deficit Disorder: Biblical and Practical Wisdom to Build Empathy, Preserve Boundaries, and Show Compassion

Understanding and Loving a Person with Attention Deficit Disorder: Biblical and Practical Wisdom to Build Empathy, Preserve Boundaries, and Show Compassion


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People who love or work with someone with ADD often feel conflicted: they want to help, but they don’t want to enable. They value the person’s creativity, but they are exhausted.
Stephen Arterburn and Timothy Smith address ten myths about ADD, the pros and cons of medication, foods that help to minimize ADD, twelve strengths of people with ADD, new studies on how to calm the mind, showing empathy even when it’s hard, and more.
This fresh look at ADD—not as a malady but as a unique way of thinking—shows readers that ADD doesn’t have to ruin their relationships. In fact, it can make them stronger.
    Introduction by Stephen Arterburn     vii
1. Wasted Time     1
2. The ADD Club     16
3. You Aren’t Alone     31
4. Hi, My Name Is Pat, and I’m ... Is There More Coffee?     49
5. Five Qualities of a Healthy Relationship (with Someone with ADD)     68
6. Living in the Common Annoyance     88
7. Best Intentions Paving Company     104
8. Going the Distance     122
Notes     133
Appendix     139
About New Life Ministries     146
About Stephen Arterburn     148
About Timothy Smith     149

Product Details

  • Title : Understanding and Loving a Person with Attention Deficit Disorder: Biblical and Practical Wisdom to Build Empathy, Preserve Boundaries, and Show Compassion
  • Authors:
    • Arterburn, Stephen
    • Smith, Timothy
  • Publisher: David C Cook
  • Publication Date: 2017
  • ISBN: 9781434712349
Stephen Arterburn, M.Ed., is the founder and chairman of New Life Ministries and the host of the nationally syndicated Christian counseling talk show New Life Live! heard by over two million people each week on nearly two hundred radio stations nationwide. He is the bestselling author of books such as Every Man’s Battle and Healing Is a Choice. With over eight million books in print, Arterburn has been writing about God’s transformational truth since 1984. His ministry focuses on identifying and compassionately responding to the needs of those seeking healing and restoration through God’s truth.
Timothy Smith, M.Ed., is a family coach, author, speaker, and president of Life Skills for American Families. He is a national leader in family ministry and is committed to helping people grow healthy families and marriages. This is his twenty-first book.


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