Products>Understanding and Loving a Person with Borderline Personality Disorder: Biblical and Practical Wisdom to Build Empathy, Preserve Boundaries, and Show Compassion

Understanding and Loving a Person with Borderline Personality Disorder: Biblical and Practical Wisdom to Build Empathy, Preserve Boundaries, and Show Compassion


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This book is for anyone who thought they were good friends with someone, only to be yelled at unexpectedly, for anyone who has a coworker who twists others’ words, or for anyone who has a spouse who is violent and accusatory.
Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a mental illness that can make loved ones feel as if it is their fault. Stephen Arterburn and Dr. Robert Wise wants readers to know it’s not their fault and there is hope. In this book, they offer readers advice on how to relate to people with BPD at home, work, and church. Readers don’t need to feel alone any longer. Help is on the way.

    Introduction by Stephen Arterburn     vii
1. Blindsided!     1
2. Tension and Turmoil     9
3. Finding Solid Ground When the Earth Shakes     19
4. Figuring Out Where the Cannons Are     34
5. A Second Look at Anger and Boundaries     53
6. Madder Than a Hornet     62
7. The Children’s Hour     73
8. Problems in the Pew     80
9. Mess in the Marketplace     92
10. When We Feel Defeated     101
11. Staying on Course     116
12. A Friend Indeed!     128
13. Forgiveness? Really?     133
Acknowledgments    149
Notes     151

Product Details

  • Title : Understanding and Loving a Person with Borderline Personality Disorder: Biblical and Practical Wisdom to Build Empathy, Preserve Boundaries, and Show Compassion
  • Authors:
    • Arterburn, Stephen
    • Wise, Robert
  • Publisher: David C Cook
  • Publication Date: 2017
  • ISBN: 9781434712356
Stephen Arterburn, M.Ed., is the founder and chairman of New Life Ministries and the host of the nationally syndicated Christian counseling talk show New Life Live! heard by over two million people each week on nearly two hundred radio stations nationwide. He is the bestselling author of books such as Every Man’s Battle and Healing Is a Choice. With over eight million books in print, Arterburn has been writing about God’s transformational truth since 1984. His ministry focuses on identifying and compassionately responding to the needs of those seeking healing and restoration through God’s truth.
Reverend Robert L. Wise, Ph.D., is an archbishop in the Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches. In 2014, Pope Francis appointed Wise to be his Apostolic Representative for Christian Unity. Wise is the author of numerous articles published in multiple languages and thirty-four published books.


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  1. Richard



    I really enjoyed this book, even when I am at the moment not surrounded by a person with a borderline personality disorder. At least not of which I am aware of. Understanding and Loving a Person with Borderline Personality Disorder is a well-balanced book, which makes the reading pleasant and accessible for almost everyone. Due to, the many cases it contains, the reader is helped to get a better insight into the topic. Personally, I believe that we as humans consist out of a body, soul and spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:23). This often let me think about how these relate and how we should take care of these parts separately and in relationship with each other. Studying a course of psychology and listening to the topic from many standpoints. I noticed that many concepts in the field of psychology are based on anti-Christian founders and thoughts. This led to some anti-psychological views by some Christians. However, this book showed that the usage of psychology and the Christian walk can be in perfect harmony. Of course, the Holy Scriptures have the last and final words and can never be contradicted by psychological findings, still, they can give us valuable insights into human beings, Another pitfall is to connect everything with the spiritual world. We can see behind every tree a demon. This can lead us, when helping others, to wrong helping methods. For example, most people do not need an exorcism but long-term discipleship and the renewing of their minds. Finally, this book helped me to get a better insight into people who need inner healing from a borderline personality disorder by the wonderful love of Jesus Christ.


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