Products>Redeeming Money: How God Reveals and Reorients Our Hearts

Redeeming Money: How God Reveals and Reorients Our Hearts

, 2018
ISBN: 9781433556760


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Money. The thought of it can be overwhelming, and the pursuit of it can be addicting.
Our society constantly promises us that money will provide what we want—success, comfort, peace, and happiness—leading our fickle hearts to trust money for things it was never intended to give us. Even if we think we know what the Bible says about money, there seems to be a gap between our theology and our everyday money struggles.
In this practical and hopeful book, best-selling author Paul David Tripp shows us how to view and interact with money in a God-honoring way. Through chapters that expose the depths of our heart struggles and our need for grace, this book offers a roadmap to find peace, generosity, and joy in the world that God created.

Top Highlights

“You can’t understand money if you don’t understand who you are, and money is one of the principal ways you demonstrate who you think you are. There is no better indicator of the identity you have assigned to yourself than the way you use money.” (source)

“Could it be that we love money more than we should because we love ourselves more than we love the One who made us and who owns us and everything in our lives?” (source)

“We stick ourselves in the middle of our world, and we make life all about us. And often without knowing it, we want God to finance what we think will bring us pleasure, comfort, and happiness. When God seems to finance our pleasures, we praise him, and when he doesn’t, we tend to question his goodness and back away from pursuit of him.” (source)

“Addressing the issue of money and understanding money problems don’t begin with money and budget information; they begin with surrender. You and I will never use money the way it was meant to be used, and we will never break disastrous money habits if we are not living in light of the fact that life is not about us.” (source)

“In this broken world, money is not just used; it is misused. Money temptations greet us every day. Money lies are told to us every day. Money is presented to us as the savior that it can never be. Every day millions of us are seduced into asking money to do for us what only God can do.” (source)

“Paul Tripp puts money—and our money problems—in the bigger context of God’s glory and grace. The result is a profoundly practical book. Redeeming Money doesn’t simply give you a list of things to do, but offers a vision of God with the potential to tame the power of money and change your life.”
Tim Chester, Pastor, Grace Church Boroughbridge, North Yorkshire; Faculty Member, Crosslands Training

“Tripp’s wisdom focuses on our willingness to frame the blessings of God correctly. Out of the meditations of our heart flow either gratitude or material want, and they each lead to a different treatment of financial wealth—either an open hand or a closed fist. Give it a read; there is excellent wisdom to be gleaned.”
Ken Volpert, Head of Investments in Europe for a large asset management company

“Comedian Henny Youngman said, ‘What’s the use of happiness? It can’t buy you money.’ Paul Tripp teaches that financial matters always concern the heart, and only a heart change—not a New Year’s resolution, not a budget, not winning a lottery—will make us generous and happy.”
Marvin Olasky, Editor in Chief, WORLD Magazine

“Paul Tripp has done it again—this time with money. As with all of life, money is less about our budgets and more about our hearts. Tripp goes to work gently exposing our murky motivations and secret longings, and then he brings the gospel to bear—the gospel of grace which renews us and changes us. He does so with humility and care, but also with insight and wisdom. Don’t expect to find help with your budgeting, but do expect help to walk a path of contentment and to grow in generosity.”
Graham Beynon, Pastor, Grace Church, Cambridge; Director of Independent Ministry Training, Oak Hill College, London; author, Money Counts

“If you want to win with money, Redeeming Money is for you! Winning with money starts with the right belief system, and this incredible book imparts the real biblical truth behind our privilege to manage money for the King of kings. Redeeming Money will certainly challenge you, but it will also inspire and encourage you. Paul Tripp has once again created a masterpiece that has the perfect balance of unwavering truth and Christ-filled grace—ultimately giving hope to all who read it.”
Chris Brown, Nationally Syndicated Radio Host, Life, Money, and Hope

“In typical Paul Tripp fashion, he convicts me of things I didn’t even know existed in my heart. This book is for the ones who have problems with money and the ones who think they don’t—because as you will see, our money problems aren’t just budgeting problems. In these pages, you will have your heart exposed and then be taken to the Savior who provides the grace we so desperately need.”
Courtney Reissig, author, Teach Me to Feel and Glory in the Ordinary

Product Details

  • Title : Redeeming Money: How God Reveals and Reorients Our Hearts
  • Author: Tripp, Paul David
  • Publisher: Crossway
  • Publication Date: 2018
  • ISBN: 9781433556760

Paul David Tripp (DMin, Westminster Theological Seminary) is a pastor, an award-winning author, and an international conference speaker. He has written numerous books, including  Lead; Parenting; and the bestselling devotional  New Morning Mercies. His not-for-profit ministry exists to connect the transforming power of Jesus Christ to everyday life. Tripp lives in Philadelphia with his wife, Luella, and they have four grown children.


7 ratings

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  1. Richard C. Hammond, Jr.
  2. Jake Davidson

    Jake Davidson


  3. Robert Frattallone
  4. Josh Watford

    Josh Watford


  5. Thomas Dowdy

    Thomas Dowdy


  6. Irene K. Weaver
    I'm unable to have the book shipped. Can you help with this problem? I really would like to read the book. Blessings, Chaplain Irene
  7. Terence Tan

    Terence Tan


    Paul Tripp begins the book by alerting the reader on worldview, theirs against the gospel. The next chapter is Christian anthropology, to pose the question, "Who are we?" And the answer is we are creatures, sinners, sufferers and saints. Tripp then proceeds to unpack an eight point exposition on Genesis 3. While many Sunday School children knows the story of Adam and Eve eating the Forbidden Fruit, not many see how the story applies to our lives, much less on money. Along the way, Tripp shows us the Lord's Prayer, the blessing and dangers of money and reveals what we treasure, love and anticipate in relation to money. His chapter on God's Generous Agenda is the strongest chapter in the book, which realises the title: Redeeming Money. Parts of the book are better spoken or preached than written. When written, the repeated phrases or ideas can be monotonous. Most readers will gain from the grace-filled counsel he offers but a few will need to figure out how to bridge the universal truth he conveys and their own lives. Not everyone will relate to the examples Tripp describes. In this book, Tripp brings the anxious away from their money worries, to look at themselves, the grace of God, allowing God to reveal and reorient their hearts, and thus eventually redeem their money for God.
  8. ramon




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