Products>Coming Attractions: Previews of the Kingdom of God

Coming Attractions: Previews of the Kingdom of God


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In short, Coming Attractions reveals the Kingdom of God in its foundational stage. The lives and experiences narrated by the author demonstrate how God interacted with the people He chose to represent His ways.

As the narrative of 1 Samuel proceeds through the episodes about Hannah, Saul, David, and others, God wants us to learn something new or affirm something old. In fact what the reader learns are the same principles that a contemporary person of faith needs to learn when encountering the God of Samuel and David. The contemporary relevance of these ancient stories is what makes the entire narrative so intriguing.

The trials and victories that the individuals faced revealed much about the God they served, opened up new ways of life, moved Israel closer to her destiny, and provided the foundation for kingdom living fully revealed in Christ. In 1 Samuel as each character experienced more of God’s ways, every encounter revealed new aspects of salvation history, and as the episodes unfolded, God was previewing the Kingdom established by Jesus Christ.

Product Details

  • Title : Coming Attractions: Previews of the Kingdom of God
  • Author: Weber, Bob
  • Publisher: Ambassador International
  • Publication Date: 2018
  • ISBN: 9781620205990


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