As parents, we have a strong impulse to protect our children,
but that very protection can end up handicapping them for life.
Rather than seek to save them from the hard things, we must teach
our kids how to cope with and rise above their problems. In one of
his most important books to date, internationally known
psychologist and bestselling author Dr. Kevin Leman shows parents
how to
- be good listeners
- tell the truth, even when it's difficult
- find balance between being protective and being
- approach hurt and injustice as a learning experience rather than
fostering a victim mentality
- and much more
Whether a child is dealing with a difficult family situation,
bullies, the loss of friends, the death of a loved one,
discrimination, abuse, a teen pregnancy, or even just trying to
make sense of what they see in the news, this compassionate and
practical book will help parents equip them to process, learn from,
and rise above their situation.
No parent likes to see their child in pain.
But you can navigate even negative events with less drama, more
resilience, and a positive attitude.
Life isn't always predictable or safe, and today's kids
live in an increasingly unstable world. Being bombarded by
headlines highlighting school shootings, bullying, and ethnic
violence is only the start. Add on peer pressure, a friend's
betrayal, nasty jabs on social media, and being stuck in the middle
of a divorce, and it's no wonder kids of all ages are facing
significant trauma.
In When Your Kid Is Hurting, internationally known
psychologist and New York Times bestselling author Dr. Kevin
Leman offers practical, time-tested strategies to best help hurting
kids, including
· what to say (and not say) when bad things happen
· how to get a hurting kid to talk to you
· when to intervene and when to let your child problem-solve
· how to turn trauma into teachable moments rather than fostering a
victim mentality
· understanding the three greatest fears every kid has . . . and
the biggest antidotes
· how being proactive can turn difficult situations around and
provide future protection
· why the words you choose to use with your child are critical to
their recovery
You can help your child get up after being knocked down.
When Your Kid Is Hurting will help you not only be your
child's best advocate in a healthy way but also reveal secrets for
strengthening your lifelong relationship.
Dr. Kevin Leman is an internationally known psychologist, radio and television personality, and speaker. He has made house calls through hundreds of radio and television programs, such as FOX & Friends, The View, FOX's The Morning Show, Today, Morning in America, The 700 Club, CBS's The Early Show, Janet Parshall, CNN, and Focus on the Family, and has served as a contributing family psychologist to Good Morning America. A bestselling and award-winning author, Dr. Leman has written more than 50 books, including The Birth Order Book and Have a New Kid by Friday. Dr. Leman and his wife, Sande, live in Tucson, Arizona. They have five children and four grandchildren.