Products>The Sex Spiral: Forgiven and Free from Pornography

The Sex Spiral: Forgiven and Free from Pornography


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Every Sunday, in Bible-believing churches across the world, pews are filled with men and women who have been forgiven by the blood of Jesus Christ. However, millions of people walk away from the worship service confused as to why they are not experiencing the freedom that the Scriptures proclaim.

There is a direct correlation between the confusion and apathy within our churches and the pandemic of pornography in our pews. Unfortunately, the statistics are too big to quote and we don’t believe them when we do. How is it possible that so many Christians are addicted to pornography? Isn't Jesus enough? Why are we still being tempted with lust? What's wrong? What's missing?

The Sex Spiral: Forgiven and Free From Pornography is a plan to experience not only the forgiveness of Jesus Christ, but also the freedom He promises— specifically from lust. The Sex Spiral will teach you God's design for sexuality, the triggers that lead to porn addiction, and most importantly how to exit the Sex Spiral itself with a purity plan for your life.

Product Details

  • Title : The Sex Spiral: Forgiven and Free from Pornography
  • Author: Daniels, Dustin
  • Publisher: Ambassador International
  • Publication Date: 2017
  • ISBN: 9781620206805


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