Brain Builders helps readers tap into more of their brain's potential through the mental exercise of vocabulary building and memorization. With the exercises in this book, readers can improve test scores, increase IQ, memorize more information, communicate more effectively, and excel in work and interactions with other people. The book also reveals eight time-proven memory techniques, encourages Scripture memorization, and offers insights into language that will open new doors for any reader.
Feel better, think better, and live better than ever before
Most of us use only a fraction of our overall brain potential. Now discover how you can tap into more. Brain Builders is full of time-proven techniques and exercises that will help you
· increase your IQ
· communicate more effectively
· improve test scores
· excel in the business world
· memorize more information
· prevent cognitive decline
You can have a brilliant mind no matter what your age. All your brain needs is a little exercise!
Frank Minirth, MD (1946-2015) was president of the Minirth Clinic (now Hope Speaks) in Richardson, Texas, and the coauthor of the bestselling Happiness Is a Choice. For more information, visit www.hopespeaks.com.
“Neuroplasticity simply means that the brain is capable of being molded: it can change and develop more connections between its many nerve cells so that, to a degree, it can even develop more cells. Neurogenesis is a similar term; it means that the brain is capable of growth and development.” (source)
“One key to memorizing new words is review, review, review—until the word moves from the periphery of your mind to your list of active vocabulary. Although this technique has been much maligned, it is the strongest with regard to word memorization, especially when combined with the other tips in this chapter. I suggest memorizing a set of twenty words and then reviewing that list daily for a week, and then periodically for a year.” (source)
“In the 1990s research into neuroplasticity abounded. Studies revealed that adult mice living in ‘enriched’ environments involving mental challenges produced additional cells in the brain’s hippocampus. Also, researchers with monkeys and then with humans demonstrated that ‘enriched’ environments increased brain cells. This indicated neuroplasticity. Furthermore, researchers proved that intellectual abilities are modifiable.” (source)
“When you direct the brain to do a task, it releases powerful chemicals in the direction requested.” (source)
“By correlation and extension, brain synapses and cells can be developed through word memorization; so can a photographic memory to a degree. As you memorize the following words, labor on picturing the first few words of each list in your mind. Just as muscles can be developed, so can brain connections, cells, and photographic ability.” (source)
Frank Minirth, MD (1946-2015) was president of the Minirth Clinic in Richardson, Texas, and an adjunct professor at Dallas Theological Seminary. He was the author or coauthor of several books, including the bestselling Happiness Is a Choice and Strong Memory, Sharp Mind. For more information, visit www.minirthclinic.com.